
Trauma Responsive Social Work Services Expert Advisory Group: minutes: December 2023

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 12 December 2023.

Attendees and apologies

  • individuals providing social work services across Scotland from various practice areas

  • Resilience Learning Partnership

  • Scottish Government (SG)

Items and actions


This was the seventh meeting of the Trauma Responsive Social Work Services (TRSWS) Expert Advisory Group. The purpose of this meeting was to inform the group of what is happening nationally and locally and to seek views of members.

Introductions, welcome and apologies

The meeting began by the Chair noting apologies from members.  All members gave brief introductions.

Note of previous meeting

The group approved the meeting note previously by email.

Reflections and TRSWS update

The TRSWS Implementation and Learning Team Leader delivered a short presentation that reflected upon the achievements of the group and progress made so far on the Work Plan. The presentation can be requested from the Secretariat.

Key themes in group discussion

  • the importance of ensuring social work students coming into practice are equipped with the necessary skillset to minimise the effects of secondary trauma and burnout
  • the need to consider what organisations can do to support people to stay in practice
  • TRSWS Implementation and Learning Team Leader clarified timescales for the programme’s work on supervision. This work is still in early development but the team are working hard to progress this at pace. Further updates will be provided as the work progresses


Following the presentation, the group considered membership.

Summary of responses and reflections:

  • desire to have more frontline representation. The value of incorporating a spread of newly qualified and experienced practitioners and their managers was noted. It was noted that this may help inform the group about barriers embedding at the organisational level
  • consider inviting more Trauma Champions. It was shared that some Champions are feeling disconnected with the programme
  • possibility of TRSWS team developing a newsletter that members could circulate around their organisations to seek interest from frontline practitioners and senior leaders
  • consider how the TRSWS programme feeds progress into other relevant trauma workstreams

Website update

SG colleague provided a brief update on the launch of the new website and agreed to provide a walkthrough at the next group meeting.

Updates on local activity

Group members provided updates on work which is progressing in their local areas to embed changes within their social work services. 

Resilience Learning Partnership provided a brief update on their work progressing at a national and local level.




For more information on this group, please visit Trauma Responsive Social Work Services Expert Advisory Group.

For more information on this programme, please visit Trauma Responsive Social Work Services.

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