
Trauma Responsive Social Work Services Expert Advisory Group: minutes: May 2022

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 26 May 2022.

Attendees and apologies

  • individuals providing social work services across Scotland from various practice areas
  • Resilience Learning Partnership
  • Scottish Governent (SG)

Items and actions


This was the third meeting of the Trauma Informed Social Work Services (TISWS) Expert Advisory Group. The purpose of this meeting was to inform the group of what is happening nationally and locally.

Introductions, welcome and apologies

The meeting began by the Chair noting apologies from members. All members gave brief introductions as there were a few members who were not able to attend the meeting.

Note of previous meeting

The group approved the meeting note from the second Expert Advisory Group meeting on 31 March 2022.

Update from the SG Trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and Resilience Unit

The Trauma, ACES and Resilience Unit within SG presented on the current pathfinder projects and related work. Responses and reflections from group include:

  • overall agreement presentation was powerful and helpful
  • overarching view to try and promote self-care and welfare for staff
  • good to see a link between trauma and addiction being mentioned
  • theme throughout on how to rebuild and support staff
  • NHS Education for Scotland will always try to promote self-care
  • National Trauma Training Programme needs more awareness
  • challenge to allow staff time for training, staff should be given more protected time
  • recognising what other services are doing and what barriers are out there
  • members were thanked by SG colleagues for their feedback

Discussion on the draft action plan, feedback and reflections

Actions were reviewed and outcomes/feedback were as follows:

  • Work Plan has been updated as per previous comments and suggestions from the last meeting, feedback sought by Monday 30 May
  • once the plan is signed off this will be sent to the delivery partners to input dates and deadlines around it which will make it more of a living document. This will be shared at each meeting going forward
  • job descriptions currently being drafted for the implementation team. Drafts will be circulated once produced
  • keen to have input for the job descriptions. Query raised on how do we promote these roles as being something positive across the sector

Response and reflections from discussion session

  • group member who currently works for Aberdeenshire Council provided an overview of how they are implementing trauma resources to become a trauma informed organisation. Overall positive feedback from participants involved
  • impact on management not been recognised. Management get a hard time and are easy to blame. Important to remember to be kind up the chain
  • important to acknowledge the important work being done across the whole of the system and to not just focus on the negatives. Helpful links for support services

Any other business

  • launching the Scottish Social Services Awards next week. SG encourage members to reflect on own areas and nominate themselves or colleagues for an award

Next steps

  • consider setting up peer support groups
  • Work Plan should become a working document to track and monitor work streams
  • SG team to share draft job descriptions
  • ensure time protected at each meeting to hear more about local activity



For more information on this group, please visit Trauma Responsive Social Work Services Expert Advisory Group.

For more information on this programme, please visit Trauma Responsive Social Work Services.

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