Trends in Rural Scotland: a working paper (2025)

This compilation of time-series data shows Rural Scotland trends. It is accompanied by a data sheet. Key trends are shown for Agriculture, Marine, Transport, Housing, Population, Skills, Environment, Climate Change, Economy, Digital, Health, Social Care, Culture and Social Justice.


1. It should be noted that the National Performance Framework indicators are currently under review.

2. This data is from 2022. 2023 data is not yet available. A marked increased in perceived affordability of transport costs was recorded in 2023 compared to 2022.

3. The SCQF is the qualifications framework for Scotland. It is used to compare and understand Scotland's wide range of qualifications.

4. The information is based on National Records of Scotland mid-year population estimates. The 2011 figures may change slightly after estimates are rebased in light of the 2022 census results.

5. The 2022 figures are not comparable to those for 2011-2021 (but can be compared with 2001-2010). This is because the 2011-2021 estimates will be revised following the 2022 Census.

6. Please note that there is a caveat around the projections as they cover different geographies and are now out-of-date.

7. The Scottish Government's Wellbeing Economy Monitor sets out a number of indicators that are also relevant to Scottish Government objectives for the rural economy, from active travel to child poverty, community ownership and young people's participation. However, not all of these data sources currently provide a breakdown by Urban-Rural classification.

8. The March 2024 publication does not include variables on 'mental wellbeing' as further analysis is required – it can be used as an indicator but will need to wait longer for data.

9. In 2018 and 2019 the wording of the response options differed slightly to 2022. For a full list of the options for attendance and data entries for each year see the Scottish Household Survey data explorer: SHS Data Explorer

10. See Cultural engagement in Scotland: what is it and why does it matter? -

11. See the SHS Data Explorer

12. See Cultural engagement in Scotland (2023). Findings from the Scottish Household Survey (2023). page 40

12. See the SHS Data Explorer

13. Languages | Scotland's Census (



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