
Tretton Review Group minutes: April 2018

Minutes from the first meeting of the Tretton Review Group on 18 April 2018.

Attendees and apologies



  • David Tretton, Meeting Chair
  • Kenny Hunter, Hunter Hydro
  • Alastair Kirkwood, Scottish Assessors Association (SAA)
  • Fiona Grant,  Heriot-Watt University


  • Ian Storrie, Scottish Government

Items and actions

1. Welcome and introductions

David Tretton welcomed members to the Review Group.

The Group agreed the following formal remit:

  • to consider the present law governing rating valuation of plant and machinery for small hydropower schemes in Scotland
  • to recommend any legislative changes required in respect of the extent of rateable property for such schemes, having regard to the financial, technical and other considerations involved

The Group agreed to work towards a deadline of the end of September 2018 for the final recommendations to Ministers with a view to any recommendations being implemented by 01 April 2019.

2. Code of Conduct

The Group agreed to abide by the terms of the Code of Conduct.

3. Future meetings

The Hydro sector kindly offered the opportunity to visit a few Hydro sites as part of a future meeting.

Action: The Group agreed to plan the next meeting around a site visit and to arrange a subsequent meeting shortly afterwards.

4. Forward work plan

The Group agreed the importance and benefits of a site visit.

The Group agreed to explore examples of hydro non-domestic rating valuations including the impact of the Plant and Machinery (P&M) Regulations.

The Group agreed to explore the statutory basis of non-domestic rating assessment and its application to small hydro schemes.

Following a discussion on the concept of ‘fairness’, the Group commissioned a paper on ‘the philosophy of the rating system’ from the SAA.

5. Sample valuations

The Group briefly discussed  sample valuations and agreed to consider them in greater detail at a subsequent meeting where suitable IT was available.

6. AOB

The Group agreed to invite Stephen Hutt of Green Highland Renewables to attend the next meeting to provide expertise on the financing of Hydro projects.

The Group agreed to consider inviting the Assessors responsible for electricity and hydro generation to attend a subsequent meeting to provide expertise on the valuation of hydro and other renewables P&M.

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