
Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014 - draft regulations: consultation

A consultation on draft regulations transferring the functions of the Council Tax Reduction Review Panel, the Valuation Appeals Committees and some functions of the Lands Tribunal for Scotland to the Scottish Tribunals.

Consultation on draft Regulations regarding:

(1) Adding the functions of the Council Tax Reduction Review Panel to Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014;

(2Transfer in to the new Local Taxation Chamber in the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland the functions of the Valuation Appeals Committees;

(3)Transfer in to the new Local Taxation Chamber in the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland the functions of the Council Tax Reduction Review Panel;

(4) Transfer in the relevant functions and members of the Lands Tribunal for Scotland (in relation to valuation appeals) to the Upper Tribunal for Scotland;

(5) Composition of the First-Tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal;

(6) Procedural rules for the Local Taxation Chamber in the First-tier Tribunal; and

(7) Procedural rules for the Upper Tribunal.



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