
Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014 - Draft Regulations Consultation

A consultation on draft regulations transferring certain appeal functions of the Transport Tribunal and allocating new appeal functions relating to bus services improvement partnerships to the Upper Tribunal for Scotland, along with rules governing composition and procedure.

Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014: Consultation on draft regulations

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A consultation on draft regulations transferring certain appeal functions of the Transport Tribunal under section 39 of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2001 to the Upper Tribunal for Scotland, and allocating new appeal functions to the Upper Tribunal relating to bus services improvement partnerships, along with new rules governing the composition and procedure of the Upper Tribunal when hearing those appeals.

Consultation on draft regulations regarding:

(1) Adding the Transport Tribunal to Part 1 of schedule 1 of the Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014;

(2) The transfer of certain appeal functions under section 39 of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2001 to the Upper Tribunal for Scotland;

(3) The allocation of functions relating to appeals in connection with bus services improvement partnerships to the Upper Tribunal for Scotland;

(4) Rules of procedure for the Upper Tribunal for Scotland when dealing with those appeals under section 39 of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2001 and those relating to bus services improvement partnerships;

(5) Rules governing the composition of the Upper Tribunal for Scotland when dealing with those appeals under section 39 of the Transport (Scotland) Act 2001 and those relating to bus services improvement partnerships.



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