
Tribunals (Scotland) Act 2014 - Draft Regulations Consultation

A consultation on draft regulations transferring certain appeal functions of the Transport Tribunal and allocating new appeal functions relating to bus services improvement partnerships to the Upper Tribunal for Scotland, along with rules governing composition and procedure.

Part 5: Draft regulations providing procedural rules to be followed in the Upper Tribunal when dealing with specified appeals

28. Paragraph 4(2) of schedule 9 of the 2014 Act confers on the Scottish Ministers the function of making rules regulating the practice and procedure to be followed in proceedings at the Scottish Tribunals, until such time as the Scottish Civil Justice Council and the Court of Session are involved in the making of those rules.

29. The draft regulations in Annex D set out rules regulating the practice and procedure in the Upper Tribunal when dealing with the appeals specified in the regulations. The appeals specified are those under section 39(6) of the 2001 Act in relation to a penalty imposed under any paragraph of section 39(1) except paragraph (d) (i.e. those appeals transferred by the draft regulations in Annex B), and the appeals made in relation to BSIP service standards decisions (i.e. those provided for in the draft regulations in Annex C).

Questions on the draft regulations providing procedural rules to be followed in the Upper Tribunal when dealing with specified appeals

Q6: Do you have any comments on the draft regulations (Annex D) setting out the procedural rules to be followed in the Upper Tribunal when dealing with the specified appeals?



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