Trust Deed: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

You asked for the following information relating to the period 1st March 2021 to 28th February 2022: 

  1. The average contribution per month in a Trust Deed, Sequestration & Debt Arrangement Scheme made by a debtor. 

  2. Total number of Trust Deeds, Sequestration and Debt Arrangement Scheme per Trustee/Company signed. 

  3. Average debt level per Trust Deed, Sequestration and Debt Arrangement Scheme. 

  4. How many Trust Deeds & Sequestrations & DAS have been granted/awarded with a debt level between £5,000 and £10,000 since January 2021. 

  5. Total number of moratoriums applied for, including those that applied for more than 1 in the same 12 month period. 


I enclose a copy of all the information you requested, detailed below and attached in the Excel spreadsheet up to 31 December 2021 as figures from 01 January 2022 onwards are not scheduled for release until 27 April 2022. This is a specific exemption under Section 27(1) of FOISA and as a consequence we cannot release information which is scheduled for future publication. 

Please note that figures covering the period between 01 April 2021 and 31 December 2021 remain provisional until final validation in July 2022. 

It may be useful to note that AiB now publishes the number of debt solutions by organisation every quarter as part of the Official statistics release in the accompanying Excel tables. The latest release can be found here: Scottish Statutory Debt Solutions Statistics: Quarterly edition | Accountant in Bankruptcy ( 


Note number 

Table number 

Note text 

note 1 


Bankruptcy information is based on relevant Debtor Contribution Order. 

Protected Trust Deed information is based on latest (actual payment) Form 4 as at July 2021. Note only the total number of contribution ingathered and total realisation from contributions are available. It is not within AiB's remit to collect further information, including the frequency of contribution ingathered. 

Therefore, while care has been taken to ensure the PTD figure presented here is accurate as much as possible, caution is needed when interpreting this figure. 

Debt Arrangement Scheme information is based on eDEN administrative system for approved cases. 

note 2 


Figures on median approximate monthly payment are rounded to the nearest £10 

note 3 


Figures on median approximate monthly payment are based on the original Debtor Contribution Orders, where contribution is set at more than £0. If zero contributions are included, then the median payment is £0. 

Variations are excluded from this table. 

note 4 


Table 2.1 displays organisations with at least 25 bankruptcies awarded in between 01 March 2021 and 31 December 2021. 

note 5 


Minimal Asset Process cases are excluded from Table 2.1 as The Accountant in Bankruptcy must act as trustee in all MAP cases. 

note 6 


Table 2.2 displays organisations with at least 25 trust deeds protected in between 01 March 2021 and 31 December 2021. 

note 7 


Table 2.3 displays organisations with at least 25 DAS cases approved in between 01 March 2021 and 31 December 2021. 

note 8 

Table_3 and Table_4 

Bankruptcy information based on debtor application form for bankruptcy awarded in calendar years. AiB does not have readily available information on debt levels in creditor petitions. 

PTD information is based on Form 3 for PTDs protected in calendar years. 

Debt Arrangement Scheme information is based on eDEN administrative system for cases approved in calendar years. 

note 9 


In Table 3, figures are rounded to the nearest £100. 


  1. The average contribution per month in a Trust Deed, Sequestration & Debt Arrangement Scheme made by a debtor. 

The average (median) approximately monthly payment by statutory debt solution and awarded/protected/approved date between 01 March 2021 to 31 December 2021 is shown in the following table. 

Table 1: Median approximately monthly payment by statutory debt solution awarded/protected/approved date between 01 March 2021 to 31 December 2021 [note 1][note 2][note 3] 

Source: Administrative data, Accountant in Bankruptcy

Statutory debt solution 

Amount (£) 

Bankruptcy: Full Administration [note 3] 


Bankruptcy: Creditor Petition [note 3] 


Protected Trust Deed 


Debt Arrangement Scheme 


  1. Total number of Trust Deeds, Sequestration and Debt Arrangement Scheme per Trustee/Company signed. 

The number of bankruptcies awarded, trust deeds protected and DAS debt payment programmes approved between 01 March 2021 and 31 December 2021 by trustee/money adviser organisation are shown in Tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 below. 

Table 2.1: Number of bankruptcies awarded in between 01 March 2021 and 31 December 2021 by trustee organisation [note 4][note 5] 

Source: Administrative data, Accountant in Bankruptcy 

Trustee organisation 

Number of bankruptcies awarded 

Total bankruptcies awarded (excl. MAP) 


of which organisation: Accountant in Bankruptcy 


of which organisation: Begbies Traynor 


of which organisation: Wylie & Bisset 


of which organisation: Other 



Table 2.2: Number of trust deeds protected in between 01 March 2021 and 31 December 2021 by trustee organisation [note 6] 

Source: Administrative data, Accountant in Bankruptcy 

Trustee organisation 

Number of Protected 
Trust Deeds 


Total number of Protected Trust Deeds 



of which organisation: Carrington Dean 


of which organisation: Harper McDermott 


of which organisation: J3 Debt Solutions 


of which organisation: Interpath Advisory 


of which organisation: Wylie & Bisset 


of which organisation: YEG Insolvency 


of which organisation: Begbies Traynor 


of which organisation: Payplan 


of which organisation: Parker Philips 


of which organisation: Other 


Table 2.3: Number of Debt Payment Programmes (DPPs) under the Debt Arrangement Scheme (DAS) approved in between 01 March 2021 and 31 December 2021 by money adviser organisation [note 7] 

Source: Administrative data, Accountant in Bankruptcy 

Money adviser organisation 

Number of approved


Total number of approved DPPs 



of which organisation: Carrington Dean Group 


of which organisation: Harper McDermott 


of which organisation: StepChange Debt Charity Scotland 


of which organisation: J3 Debt Solutions 


of which organisation: Gregory Pennington (Wilson Andrews) 


of which organisation: Interpath Advisory 


of which organisation: Payplan 


of which organisation: Begbies Traynor Central 


of which organisation: The Moray Council - Money Advice 


of which organisation: Other 


  1. Average debt level per Trust Deed, Sequestration and Debt Arrangement Scheme. 

The average (median) approximately debt level by statutory debt solution awarded/protected/approved between 01 March 2021 and 31 December 2021 is shown in the following table. 

Table 3: Median debt level by statutory debt solution awarded/protected/approved in between 01 March 2021 and 31 December 2021 [note 8][note 9] 

Source: Administrative data, Accountant in Bankruptcy

Statutory debt solution 

Amount (£) 

Bankruptcy (MAP and FA) 


of which: Minimal Asset Process (MAP) 


of which: Full Administration (FA) 


Protected Trust Deed 


Debt Arrangement Scheme 



  1. How many Trust Deeds & Sequestrations & DAS have been granted/awarded with a debt level between £5,000 and £10,000 since January 2021. 

The number of cases with a debt level between £5,000 and £10,000 by statutory debt solutions awarded/protected/approved between 01 January 2021 and 31 December 2021 are shown in the table below. 

Table 4: Number of cases with debt level between £5,000 and £10,000 by statutory debt solution awarded/protected/approved in between 01 January 2021 and 31 December 2021 [note 8] 

Source: Administrative data, Accountant in Bankruptcy

Statutory debt solution 

Number of cases 

Bankruptcy (MAP and FA) 


of which: Minimal Asset Process (MAP) 


of which: Full Administration (FA) 


Protected Trust Deed 


Debt Arrangement Scheme 



  1. Total number of moratoriums applied for, including those that applied for more than 1 in the same 12 month period. 

The total number of moratorium applications granted between 01 January 2021 and 31 December 2021 was 3,216. Of this total, 119 individuals were granted a subsequent moratorium within in this period. 

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Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrews House
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