
Offshore renewables - social impact: two way conversation with the people of Scotland

Findings from a piece of participatory research into the social impacts of offshore wind farms (OWFS) in Scotland. It describes innovative methods used to develop a conceptual framework, based on social values, that enables a better understanding of the social impacts of OWFs.

Project Information

Project title:

CORR/5536 A two way Conversation with the People of Scotland on the Social Impact of Offshore Renewables

Contracting organisation:

Marine Scotland

Lead contractor:


Collingwood Environmental Planning Limited

London office:

1E The Chandlery, 50 Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7QY

Scottish office:

c/o Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Level 5, James Weir Building, 75 Montrose Street, Glasgow G1 1XJ


Project team:

Dr Clare Twigger-Ross, Paula Orr, Dr Peter Phillips and Liza Papadopoulou (all CEP); Dele Adeyemo, Becca Thomas, Duncan Bain, Anna Raymond and Jassy Earle (all Pidgin Perfect); Dr Jennifer Roberts (University of Strathclyde); Ruth Lightbody (CEP associate); and Nigel Coulshed (Nereus Environmental).

Report details:

Report title:

Dialogue Report

Date completed:

March, 2016

Date published:

June, 2022


Paula Orr, Clare Twigger-Ross and Peter Phillips



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