Offshore renewables - social impact: two way conversation with the people of Scotland

Findings from a piece of participatory research into the social impacts of offshore wind farms (OWFS) in Scotland. It describes innovative methods used to develop a conceptual framework, based on social values, that enables a better understanding of the social impacts of OWFs.

Appendix 1: Recruitment Questionnaire

Recruitment questionnaire

Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is ... We are looking for members of the public to participate in a conversation about the possible impacts of generating renewable energy in the seas around Scotland. The purpose of the public dialogue is to understand what the Scottish people think about the social impacts of offshore renewable energy developments like wind, wave or tidal energy and how members of the public would like to be involved in discussing these issues with Marine Scotland in the future. As part of this work Marine Scotland and Sciencewise are running group discussions with local people in a number of localities in Scotland.

Just a bit of background, you may have heard of Marine Scotland, they are responsible for planning and managing Scotland’s seas and carry out consultations to get the views of organisations and members of the public on its proposals. They want to improve the way that they take account of the potential impacts of their work on people’s lives so that their decisions reflect what is important for local people and communities.

Your involvement would include participating in a public dialogue workshop, to take place in [Kirkwall and St Ola Town Hall and Community Centre] on [28/02/2015] with 15 participants / members of the public. A small number of specialists from Marine Scotland and experts would also attend / participate to provide information and background for the discussion. The event is expected to last a total of 6 hours, including breaks for coffee and lunch, which we will be providing. As a thank you for your time a £75 cash incentive will be provided upon completion.

This Public Dialogue will offer valuable input in developing an understanding of the hopes and concerns of local communities in Scotland with regards to the development of offshore renewable energy. Would you be interested in participating?

Thank you. May I please ask a few questions to confirm your eligibility for this dialogue?

1. Are you a resident of Orkney?


No - THANK and close

2. Have you, in the last 6 months, participated in any consultation about offshore renewables?

Yes GO TO Q3


3. ASK IF Q2=YES Have you submitted a response individually or as part of an organisation (e.g NGOs, local /community groups)?


As part of an organisation - THANK and close

4. Are you part of any organisation (e.g. NGOs, local /community groups) that is actively involved / interested in the area of renewable energy?



Unsure / Don’t know

Interviewer Note

Despite not qualifying for this workshop if respondent is still interested please ask them to email the Marine Scotland offshore Renewable Energy team: for further details

5. Interviewer to record sex of respondent:


6. Which of the following age categories do you belong in:

15 years or old younger - THANK and close

16-24 years old

25-34 years old

35-44 years old

45-54 years old

55-64 years old

65-74 years old

75 years or older

Prefer not to answer

7. Which of the following best describes your ethnic background?

A. White


Other British


Gypsy / Traveller


Other white ethnic group

B. Mixed or multiple ethnic groups

C. Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British

Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British

Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British

Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi Scottish or Bangladeshi British

Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British


D. African

African, African Scottish or African British


E. CaribbeanBlack

Caribbean, Caribbean ScottishCaribbean British

Black, Black Scottish or Black British Other

F. Other ethnic group

Arab, Arab Scottish or Arab British


8. Which of the following best describes your employment status?


Self-Employed or freelance




Long-term sick or disabled


Prefer not to answer

9. ASK IF Q8= EMPLOYED OR SELF-EMPLOYED FREELANCE Which sector / industry are you currently employed in?

10. Which of the following best describes the highest qualification you have attained or level of school you have completed? If currently enrolled, highest degree received.

Grade, Standard Grade, Access 3 Cluster, Intermediate 12, GCSE, CSE, Senior Certificate or equivalent

SCE Higher Grade, Higher, Advanced Higher, CSYS, A Level, AS Level, Advanced Senior Certificate or equivalent

GSVQ FoundationIntermediate, SVQ level 12, SCOTVEC Module, City and Guilds Craft or equivalent

GSVQ Advanced, SVQ level 3, ONC, OND, SCOTVEC National Diploma, City and Guilds Advanced Craft equivalent

HNC, HND, SVQ level 4 or equivalent

Degree, Post or graduate qualifications, Masters, PhD, SVQ level 5 or equivalent

Professional qualifications (e.g. teaching, nursing, accountancy)

No qualifications

Other qualifications

Prefer not to answer

Interviewer Note:

Check available quotas and if appropriate recruit for dialogue group.

  • Thank you for your time. Unfortunately we can't interview you on this occasion.


  • Thank you for time. I can confirm you are eligible to participate in this public dialogue. Can I please record your contact details so that we may contact you in the near future to confirm the details of the time and venue of the meeting?

Record participant contact details Name:

Last Name:

Telephone no:

Email Add:



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