UK Covid-19 Inquiry - Module 1 report: Scottish Government response

The Scottish Government response to the recommendations set out in the UK Covid-19 Inquiry's Module 1 report.

Ministerial foreword

The Scottish Government welcomed the publication of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry’s Module 1 report and recommendations in July 2024. As Minister with portfolio responsibility for the Covid-19 Inquiries, I would like to thank the Chair and the Inquiry for their careful and considered report and recommendations and am pleased to publish this response.

The Scottish Government is fully committed to listening to the findings of the Inquiry and learning lessons. Families across the country lost loved ones to the Covid-19 pandemic and we offer our deepest sympathies to all those who have experienced pain and grief as a result. It is with their loss in mind, that we will continue our efforts to make effective, practical and measurable improvements in pandemic planning and preparedness.

Over the past six months, we have carefully considered the findings and recommendations in the Inquiry’s report, and how these recommendations can be most effectively implemented in Scotland. As Minister with portfolio responsibility for civil contingencies, my colleague Angela Constance, Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs, is working across Government to deliver the changes needed.

The Scottish Government also remains fully engaged with the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry, established by Scottish Ministers to examine the strategic responses to the Covid-19 pandemic in Scotland, which operates independently of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry. We will consider the findings of the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry on these matters when available.

Scotland faces a range of significant risks and challenges, ranging from pandemics to our changing weather and we must learn from past events and global past practice to ensure we are prepared for and ready to respond to these potential challenges. In advance of, and in parallel to, the work of the Inquiries, the Scottish Government has proactively sought to identify and action key lessons and improvements to ensure we are ready to meet those challenges.

We recognise, however, that there is further work to be done to ensure that Scotland is as resilient as possible and we are committed to taking the necessary action.

It is clear that the Covid-19 pandemic not only introduced new, but exacerbated pre-existing, inequality and exposed the vulnerabilities of certain groups in our society to adverse shocks. A more equal society is better able to prepare for, respond to and recover from whole-system civil emergencies and the Scottish Government has made clear its long-term commitment to tackle persistent inequality, as set out in Scotland's National Performance Framework.

We fully support the Chair’s recommendations that action is taken to improve how we identify, assess and address the potential impacts of whole system civil emergencies on the most vulnerable in our society.

The implementation of the Inquiry’s recommendations requires effective and sustained engagement and collaboration, not just with our four nation counterparts, but also with our national and local partners. Partners beyond government are critical to delivering improvements on the ground, where the emergency response is felt first. We recognise the vital responsibility our categorised responders have in planning, preparing for and responding to a wide range of potential emergencies, as they so ably demonstrated during the pandemic.

Further, we strongly welcome the Chair’s recommendations that we continue to engage and consult with the voluntary and community sectors. We acknowledge the value and importance of a diverse range of voices and evidence to inform our planning for and response to whole system civil emergencies, and we will work closely with our stakeholders, to ensure that we are open, transparent and fully informed.

The Scottish Government looks forward to working with our partners to deliver and maintain the improvements and changes needed. Our response to each recommendation, including details of the steps we will take, follows below.

Kate Forbes MSP
Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic



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