UK innovation survey 2023 – results for Scotland

Scotland's results from the UK Innovation Survey 2023, covering the three-year period from 2020 to 2022

Environmental Innovations

UKIS 2023 asked new questions on innovations with environmental benefits (IWEB) obtained within the business and during consumption or use of good or service by the end user.

Figure 17: In Scotland 48.2% of broader innovators introduced innovations with environmental benefits (IWEB) obtained within the business, compared to 46.3% for the UK in 2020-2022. The most commonly carried out IWEB obtained within the business was reduced energy use or CO2 footprint (34.3% of broader innovators in Scotland, 31.9% of broader innovators in the UK).

Percentage of broader innovator businesses that introduced innovations with environmetal benefits (IWEB) obtained within the business, Scotland and the UK, 2020-2022.

A bar chart showing that in Scotland 48.2% of broader innovators introduced an Innovation With Environmental Benefits (IWEB) obtained within the business, compared to 46.3% for the UK in 2020-2022. The most commonly carried out IWEB obtained within the business was reduced energy use or CO2 footprint (34.3% of broader innovators in Scotland, 31.9% of broader innovators in the UK).

Source: UK innovation survey 2023 – results for Scotland - tables from the Scottish Government. For Figure 17 data see Table 26.

Figure 18: In Scotland 33.7% of broader innovators introduced innovations with environmental benefits (IWEB) obtained during consumption or use of good or service by the end user - this compares to 31.9% for the UK in 2020-2022.

Percentage of broader innovator businesses that introduced innovations with environmetal benefits (IWEB) obtained during consumption, Scotland and the UK, 2020-2022.

A bar chart showing that in Scotland 33.7% of broader innovators introduced an Innovation With Environmental Benefits (IWEB) obtained during consumption or use of good or service by the end user - this compares to 31.9% for the UK in 2020-2022.

Source: UK innovation survey 2023 – results for Scotland - tables from the Scottish Government. For Figure 18 data see Table 27.

Taking into account all innovations with environmental benefits (IWEB), those obtained within the business or during consumption; in Scotland 56.7% of broader innovators introduced any IWEB in 2020-22, this compares to 51.8% UK-wide.


Marina Curran

Business & Innovation Statistics

Office of the Chief Economic Adviser



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