UK innovation survey 2023 – results for Scotland

Scotland's results from the UK Innovation Survey 2023, covering the three-year period from 2020 to 2022


All businesses, whether they had any innovation activity in 2020 to 2022 or not, were asked if they had any international exports in calendar year 2022. In Scotland, 11.5% of all businesses had exported in 2022, compared to 15.9% in the UK as a whole.

Figure 12: Broader innovator businesses that co-operated with partners were most likely to have exported in 2022 for both Scotland and the UK (32.1% in Scotland, 35.1% in the UK). Non-broader innovators were least likely to export (6.6% in Scotland, 8.7% in the UK).

Percentage of businesses (with 10+ employees) reporting any exports by innovator category, Scotland and the UK, 2022.

A bar chart showing that broader innovator businesses that co-operated with partners were most likely to have exported in 2022 for both Scotland and the UK (32.1% in Scotland, 35.1% in the UK). Non-broader innovators were least likely to export (6.6% in Scotland, 8.7% in the UK).

Source: UK innovation survey 2023 – results for Scotland - tables from the Scottish Government. For Figure 12 data see Table 20.


Marina Curran

Business & Innovation Statistics

Office of the Chief Economic Adviser



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