UK innovation survey 2023 – results for Scotland

Scotland's results from the UK Innovation Survey 2023, covering the three-year period from 2020 to 2022

Reasons for Not Innovating

Non-broader innovator businesses – i.e. businesses that did not have any innovation activity in 2020 to 2022 – were asked why it wasn’t necessary or possible for them to innovate.

Figure 11: In both Scotland and the UK, ‘No need due to market conditions’ was the most common reason for not innovating given by non-broader innovator businesses.

Percentage of non-broader innovator businesses that selected each reason for not innovating, in Scotland and the UK, 2020-2022.

A bar chart showing that in both Scotland and the UK, in 2020-2022, ‘No need due to market conditions’ was the most common reason for not innovating given by non-broader innovator businesses (41.6% Scotland, 38.0% UK).

Source: UK innovation survey 2023 – results for Scotland - tables from the Scottish Government. For Figure 11 data see Table 19.


Marina Curran

Business & Innovation Statistics

Office of the Chief Economic Adviser



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