
Ukraine Independence Day: letter to President Zelensky

Message of solidarity from First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

Dear President Zelensky

To mark Ukraine’s Independence Day, I offer Scotland’s continued solidarity with Ukraine and our admiration for your people’s bravery in the face of an unjust, unprovoked and illegal invasion. Scotland stands with Ukraine for democracy, human rights and the rule of law at home and abroad. 

Peoples and nations across the world support Ukraine and condemn Putin’s war crimes and Scotland has joined them in taking action to isolate and penalise his regime while doing our utmost to support the people of Ukraine.

In providing humanitarian aid and shelter for those fleeing Ukraine, we align our sentiments with practical support, including providing medical supplies to Poland for onward transport to Ukraine. When Scotland’s Minister with special responsibility for Refugees from Ukraine, Neil Gray, travelled to Poland in June, he visited rescue hubs and centres in Warsaw and Krakow where he met with Polish officials, UNICEF and the Red Cross to learn more about their work, as well as those who have been displaced by the conflict.

Scotland has become a place of refuge and sanctuary for displaced people from Ukraine, and we have done all we can to get help to those fleeing their country to escape the violence brought on by Russia’s unprovoked invasion.

Scotland has been honoured to offer safety to Ukrainians who have had to leave their homes in what is tragically the largest displacement of people in Europe since World War II. We recognise that displaced people from Ukraine will want to return to their homeland when it is safe to do so, but Scotland stands willing to provide them with sanctuary for as long as they need. Our Scottish Super Sponsor Scheme offers a quick, and safe option for displaced people arriving from Ukraine allowing them to enter the country first and be matched with a host later. Since the conflict began, Scotland has offered sanctuary - and a helping hand - to more than 14,000 people who have been forced to leave their homes. We hope that this strengthens the bond between our two countries now and in a more peaceful future.

On your Independence Day, and always, Scotland stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and your continued efforts to uphold that independence.

Nicola Sturgeon
First Minister

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