
Ukraine refugee psychological wellbeing pack: guidance for services

This pack provides advice and resources for services and professionals who will be working with Ukrainian arrivals to Scotland, to support their psychological wellbeing and mental health.

Psychological wellbeing advice pack for supporting Ukrainian families, host families, and professionals

The individual/s arriving from Ukraine will have their own unique emotional needs. They are arriving to a country and culture that they may be very unfamiliar with, and have life experiences or backgrounds that are very different to ours.

Due to the differing nature of experiences of each Ukrainian family it is helpful to consider the complexity and uniqueness of these families' experiences, so that appropriate supports help reduce the effects of adversity on the family, and also reinforce the family's own positive potential to address their own needs.

Recognising that different family members may have radically different experiences of the ordeal and different journeys to Scotland is also important. This lack of shared experience is something that could cause misunderstanding. This guide is to help you think about how to support families and individuals from Ukraine, host families, and staff working in services.



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