Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme in Scotland: statistics - April 2024

Latest data and information on the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme in Scotland.

Welcome accommodation

There is a range of welcome accommodation across Scotland, including hotels, apartments, aparthotels and, previously, cabins onboard M/S Victoria and M/S Ambition. Should a displaced person from Ukraine require welcome accommodation, it is, in the majority of cases, allocated via the core welcome hub in Edinburgh. When in welcome accommodation, matching discussions will take place to secure an offer of matched accommodation. The data provided in this publication are drawn from the administrative data of the welcome accommodation team within the Scottish Government.

As on 25 March 2024, there were around 1,130 welcome accommodation rooms occupied by displaced people from Ukraine. This is a 20% reduction from around 1,420 rooms occupied on 18 December 2023 as reported in our previous publication and a decrease of just over 70% from the peak of 3,810 rooms and cabins on 7 November 2022 (figure 1).

The estimated number of displaced people from Ukraine in welcome accommodation, as well as the number of welcome accommodation rooms occupied, have been on an overall decreasing trend since November 2022 with some fluctuation.

Figure 1: Total number of occupied rooms and cabins used as welcome accommodation for displaced people from Ukraine in Scotland. Data between 15 August 2022 and 25 March 2024.

This line graph shows the total number of occupied welcome accommodation rooms  and cabins over the time period 15 August 2022 and 25 March 2024. Total number of occupied welcome accommodation rooms and cabins is shown in a dark blue line. There was a peak of welcome accommodation use in November 2022, with around 3,810 welcome accommodation rooms and cabins occupied. The number of occupied welcome accommodation rooms have been on an overall decreasing trend since November 2022 with some fluctuation, with 1,130 occupied rooms on 25 March 2024.


The total booked welcome accommodation includes unoccupied rooms and cabins, kept available for displaced people from Ukraine who may require it. Additionally, some unoccupied rooms are unavailable for occupancy for reasons including overnight contingency, pending closure, and consolidation of other welcome accommodation.

On 25 March 2024, there were around 1,315 welcome accommodation rooms booked across Scotland, with around 185 of these rooms unoccupied, an increase from the 120 unoccupied rooms on 18 December reported in our previous publicationOccupancy rates vary over time as rooms identified for closure cannot be backfilled.  Unoccupied rooms had been on an overall downward trend since the disembarkation of M/S Victoria in July 2023.

There were peaks in the number of unoccupied rooms during disembarkations of M/S Ambition (1,265 unoccupied rooms) in March 2023 and M/S Victoria (1,210 unoccupied rooms) in July 2023 (figure 2). This was because, as part of an orderly disembarkation process, vacated cabins were not assigned new occupants during disembarkation and could not be closed individually. There were followed by steep decreases in unoccupied welcome accommodation, of 505 rooms in March 2023 and 760 in July 2023, due to closures of M/S Ambition and M/S Victoria (figure 2).

Figure 2: Total number of unoccupied rooms and cabins used as welcome accommodation for displaced people from Ukraine in Scotland. Data between 15 August 2022 and 25 March 2024.

This line graph shows the total number of unoccupied welcome accommodation rooms and cabins over the time period 15 August 2022 and 25 March 2024. Total number of unoccupied welcome accommodation rooms and cabins is shown in a dark blue line.  The number of unoccupied welcome accommodation rooms has varied throughout the programme. In September 2022, unoccupied welcome accommodation reached a low of 230 rooms and cabins, followed by a steep increase as M/S Ambition came online. There were peaks in the number of unoccupied accommodation rooms during disembarkations of M/S Ambition, with 1,265 unoccupied rooms, in March 2023 and M/S Victoria, with 1,210 unoccupied rooms in July 2023. These were followed by steep decreases in unoccupied welcome accommodation, due to closures of M/S Ambition and M/S Victoria. The number of unoccupied welcome accommodation rooms has been on an overall downward trend since July 2023 with some fluctuation, with a slight rise from late January 2024, reaching 185 unoccupied rooms on 25 March 2024.


The Scottish Government published an ad-hoc release of management information data on the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme in Scotland outcomes of the M/S Ambition and the M/S Victoria disembarkations in September 2023.

Please see methodology section for additional notes.

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