
Super Sponsor Scheme and Homes for Ukraine: guidance for hosts

Guidance for hosts providing accommodation through the Scottish super sponsor and Homes for Ukraine schemes.


Scotland stands with the people of Ukraine and we want to ensure they find safety, sanctuary and support in their time of need.

This guidance is for hosts opening their homes under the Scottish Government’s super sponsor and Homes for Ukraine schemes. It covers:

  • the eligibility criteria to become a host
  • the role and expectations of hosts in supporting Ukrainian guests who arrive under the scheme
  • how hosts can access further support

Responsibility for immigration policy and the allocation of visas, including through the Homes for Ukraine Visa scheme, is reserved to the UK Government.

Scotland for Ukrainians: a guide for displaced people has been published to help people settle into life in Scotland.​​​​​​


'Super sponsor' refers to the Scottish Government in its role under the Scottish super sponsor scheme.

‘Sponsor’ on its own refers to an individual or group with suitable accommodation looking to independently facilitate travel to the UK for a Ukrainian individual or family under the Homes for Ukraine sponsorship scheme.

The term 'host', or 'hosts', refers to an individual or group who has been approved to accommodate an individual or household from Ukraine under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, has agreed to participate in the Scottish super sponsor scheme, or who has arranged a private match.

'Prospective host’ refers to people who are independently considering accepting people displaced from Ukraine under the Homes for Ukraine scheme or are in the process of being matched under the Scottish super sponsor scheme.

The term 'resident host' is used to describe a host who is living with any people displaced from Ukraine in their main residence.

'Guest' refers to an individual or household previously resident in Ukraine, prior to 1 January 2022, who secured a visa under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, which enables them to be housed by a host.

If you are a host or want more information on support for displaced people from Ukraine, sign up to our newsletter for regular updates.

Offer to host in Scotland: apply to offer your home to someone from Ukraine.




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