
Ultra-deep water port: feasibility study

Report compiled by Ernst & Young following their feasibility study looking at the most cost effective locations for an ultra-deep water port in the UK.

Covering Letter

Private and confidential

The Scottish Government
Energy and Climate Change Directorate
4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay
150 Broomielaw
Glasgow G2 8LU

01 August 2018

Dear Sirs,

Ultra-deep water port feasibility study

In accordance with the contract awarded on 8 May 2018, we have prepared a Feasibility Study for the provision of an ultra-deep water port.

Purpose of our report and restrictions on its use

This report was prepared on your instructions solely for the purpose of the Scottish Government and should not be relied upon for any other purpose. Because others may seek to use it for different purposes, this report should not be quoted, referred to or shown to any other parties unless so required by court order or a regulatory authority, without our prior consent in writing. In carrying out our work and preparing our report, we have worked solely on the instructions of the Scottish Government and for its purposes.

Our report may not have considered issues relevant to any third parties. Any use such third parties may choose to make of our report is entirely at their own risk and we shall have no responsibility whatsoever in relation to any such use. This report should not be provided to any third parties without our prior approval and without them recognising in writing that we assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever to them in respect of the contents of our deliverables.

Scope of our work

Our work in connection with this assignment is of a different nature to that of an audit. Our report to you is based on information available from public sources, information provided by Scottish Government and other public bodies. We have also gathered information from, and made enquiries with, key market stakeholders. We have not sought to verify the accuracy of the data or the information and explanations provided by these parties.

In undertaking our scope we have subcontracted elements to Arch Henderson LLP, specifically the location assessment. Arch Henderson LLP also assisted with points related to the technical requirement for ports and associated infrastructure.

Our work has been limited in scope and time and we stress that a more detailed review may reveal material issues that this review has not.

If you would like to clarify any aspect of this report or discuss other related matters then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully

Ernst & Young LLP


Email: Claire Stanley

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