
Ultra-deep water port: feasibility study

Report compiled by Ernst & Young following their feasibility study looking at the most cost effective locations for an ultra-deep water port in the UK.


AH: Arch Henderson LLP

BEIS: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

bn: Billion

CBA: Cost benefit analysis

CD: Chart Datum

CNS: Central North Sea

CoP: Cessation of production

EPRD: Engineering, Preparation, Removal and Disposal Contracting

EY: Ernst & Young LLP

HIE: Highlands & Islands Enterprise

HLV: Heavy lift vessel

JV: Joint Venture

m: Metres

MW: Mega Watt

NNS: Northern North Sea

O&G: Oil & Gas

OGA: Oil and Gas Authority

OPRED: Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment and Decommissioning

OSPAR: Oslo and Paris Conventions, the mechanism by which 15 Governments & the EU cooperate to protect the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic

SE: Scottish Enterprise

SNS: Southern North Sea

SLV: Single lift vessel

STM: Shandong Twin Marine

SPMT: Self-propelled modular transporter

t: Tonnes

TFS: Transfrontier Shipment of Waste

TML: Twin Marine Lifter

UDW: Ultra-deep water

UHLV: Ultra-Heavy Lift Vessel

UK: United Kingdom

UKCS: United Kingdom continental shelf


Email: Claire Stanley

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