Unclaimed tenancy deposits: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) results for unclaimed tenancy deposits.

Recommendations and Conclusion

We recognise that the data available does not allow a complete picture of the needs of those with protected characteristics. However, this assessment has allowed the opportunity to consider the impact on these groups as fully as possible. Our assessment indicates the impact of this policy measure on the three aspects of the public sector equality duty is neutral as it does not positively or negatively impact on people with protected characteristics.

It has however been identified that introduction of the measures to use unclaimed funds to the benefit of tenants living in the PRS will have a generally beneficial effect on all tenants, including those with protected characteristics. This will include vulnerable groups who are more prevalent to renting within the PRS or more prone to poverty or homelessness within Scotland, including single parent families, tenants from ethnic minority groups and tenants with a disability. Investment into the sector will also have a positive impact on young people, many of which are students.

Key findings from the RentBetter[60] research highlights tenants on low incomes, tenants from ethnic minority groups and tenants with a disability or longer-term illness had general lack of awareness around PRS rights and protections in relation to deposits. It is particularly important that we reach seldom heard audiences who are less likely to know their rights or might know their rights but feel unable to exercise them.

To advance equality of opportunity during implementation, communications on the new rights and the changes to existing legislation should use a range of appropriate, accessible and inclusive means and methods, including internet and social media to advance equality of opportunity by maximising understanding of the changes.

To ensure that the intended outcomes of the Bill are delivered, it is critical to ensure that all tenants and landlords are aware of their rights and that continuous evaluation of how this policy may affect each characteristic takes place at each stage.


Email: housing.legislation@gov.scot

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