
Unconventional oil and gas: strategic environmental assessment - post adoption statement

Our policy position of no support for the development of unconventional oil and gas (UOG) in Scotland.

7. Monitoring 

7.1.1 The 2018 Environmental Report concluded that the effect of the now-finalised policy position would be to avoid the environmental impacts associated with UOG industry in Scotland; therefore no adverse effects are anticipated. Nevertheless, in keeping with the requirements of Section 19 of the 2005 Act the following sections set out our proposed monitoring measures. . 

7.1.2 There is a strong relationship between the finalised policy position on unconventional oil and gas in Scotland and the Scottish Government’s energy policy. As such, the monitoring and reporting mechanism for unforeseen adverse effects will be the Annual Energy Statement which is published by the Scottish Government. This Statement sets out:

  • the latest energy statistics;
  • the progress made towards existing targets and the new 2030 targets progress made under each of the six Strategic Priorities;
  • changes within the UK energy market and international frameworks; and
  • an assessment of technological changes and advances with a bearing on Scotland’s energy system. 

7.1.3 The first Annual Energy Statement was published in May 2019[23], prior to the confirmation of the final policy of no support for UOG in Scotland. The 2020 statement will reflect the final policy. 

7.1.4 Official Statistics on Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions inventory are published annually by the Scottish Government. Independent reports on Scotland’s progress in reducing emissions are published annually by the Committee on Climate Change. The Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019 put into statute the requirement for annual reports on progress against policies and proposals given in the most recent Climate Change Plan. The Act also requires that future Climate Change Plans must include proposals and policies regarding the exploitation of fossil fuels including onshore unconventional oil and gas reserves.  

7.1.5 The Second SG annual monitoring report on progress to delivering the SG’s current Climate Change Plan was published on 17 December 2019. This recent monitoring report shows strong progress in some areas of the 2018 Climate Change Plan. The Climate Change Plan will be updated to ensure the pace of action reflects the increased overall target ambition under the new Climate Change Act. The updated plan is expected to be published in 2020. As part of the update to the Climate Change Plan, the monitoring framework will be reviewed to ensure that this is as effective as possible for keeping track of progress to the increased target ambition.



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