
UNCRC Implementation Guidance Reference Group minutes: 20 September 2021

Attendees and apologies

In attendance:

  • Nicola Hughes N (Chair), Scottish Government – NH
  • Billy Pugh, (Minutes) Scottish Government – BP 
  • Dragan Nastic, Unicef – DN 
  • Darren Little, Dumfries and Galloway Council – DL 
  • Maria Doyle, Together – MD  
  • Suzanne Brown, SCRON – SB 
  • Daniel Cosgrove (on behalf of Lucinda Rivers), Unicef – DC
  • Colin Convery, Police Scotland – CC
  • Stephen Carroll, Police Scotland – SC
  • Deborah Davison, ADES - DD
  • Kavita Chetty, Scottish Human Rights Commission - KC
  • Sarah Rodger, SOLAR – SR
  • Julie Williams, CCPS - JW


  • Lucinda Rivers, Unicef 
  • Juliet Harris, Together 
  • Kenny Meechan / Alistair Stobie, SOLAR 
  • Alison Sutherland, Social Work Scotland 
  • Cathy Assante, SHRC
  • Jill Laspa, COSLA
  • Morag Driscoll, Law Society of Scotland
  • Brian Anderson, Police Scotland
  • Deborah Wason, Public Health Scotland
  • Nicola Hogg, SOLAR 

Items and actions

Introduction and updates on key issues

The Chair welcomed attendees and introductions followed.

The fourth strategic implementation board meeting is scheduled for Thursday 30th September. Minutes will be available shortly thereafter on the group page.

No further update on the Supreme Court hearing. 

Minutes and actions from previous meeting

Minutes from the previous meeting on 6 September 2021 have been agreed and are due to be published on the group page after this meeting. No points of accuracy received. 

The Chair provided the following update on actions from the previous meeting:

  • the table containing feedback has been updated and shared with members
  • a revised version of the draft guidance based on members feedback was shared  with members on Friday 3 September, including lines on future statutory guidance and parental rights
  • a link to a survey on the guidance was shared with members on Friday 10 September, and will be closed on the 24 September
  • as of Friday 17 September we have received a total of 6 responses


  • members were asked to continue to share the draft guidance with designated groups and encourage them to complete the survey
  • members to share examples of implementing children’s rights for inclusion in the guidance

Communications and awareness raising

Members were invited to share their thoughts on the draft FAQ distributed prior to the meeting. The following key points were captured:

  • general agreement that the direction and scope of the FAQ was positive and that it could form part of a broader communications toolkit
  • toolkit should constitute a wide-ranging multimedia resource. This would be inclusive of key messages, logos, branding and materials in order to fully and clearly state the Scottish Government’s vision, intentions and strategy for children’s rights and the UNCRC
  • specific messages for target groups, such as children and young people, parents, and key professionals should be a priority
  • explore examples of children’s participation in the design and creation of communications toolkits
  • a generic campaign template could be devised for public authorities interested in launching a campaign to promote the UNCRC

Chair asked for suggestions regarding the imminent rollout of phase 1 non-statutory guidance. Members volunteered to share with their networks, and suggested that in addition to the communications toolkit, it would be useful to have a communications plan for the launch of the guidance.  


  • members to share feedback on draft FAQ, intended purpose and examples of a communication toolkit, and examples where a toolkit was designed using a children’s rights based approach
  • BP to draft a distribution plan for Phase 1 Guidance, including those who have feedback on it, and making use of numerous newsletters, publications and communication channels of members

Update on skills and knowledge framework

Chair detailed the scope and purpose of the planned Skills and Knowledge Framework, drawing attention to a tiered design that would enable both duty-bearers and potentially, rights-holders to access information, materials and resources relevant to the level of understanding needed for their role. Chair highlighted that many resources currently exist, and that a scoping exercise is currently underway to map the extent of these resources and prevent duplication. 

Chair also recognised the need to raise awareness of the framework and develop a training strategy to effectively upskill members of public authorities, and scoping is underway to understand the specific resources and approach required to create a successful training strategy. 

On timescales, the Chair explained that due to large scale of framework, the project would require a tender, and the successful supplier would not be in place until the beginning of 2022. Chair emphasised that framework resources would be generic and not workforce specific. 

Members discussed the benefit of having a framework which reinforced a common understanding, united language and terminology and consistency when applying children’s rights in policy and practice. The benefits to children and young people’s outcomes of such a framework were noted. 

Members then discussed appropriate foundations for the framework, suggesting the Common Core of Skills and Knowledge as an example of a framework with children’s rights embedded throughout. 

Members expressed agreement that Skills and Knowledge would be a useful tool to assist with embedding children’s rights across all workforces.  


  • NH to share scoping questions on the remit and purpose of the Skills and Knowledge Framework


BP gave an update from Girfec colleagues on the intention to launch a public consultation on the refreshed materials, imminently. 

NH confirmed an additional meeting of the working group was scheduled for the 27 September, acknowledging the recent public holidays, and would focus on feedback from the draft guidance survey. 

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