
Undergraduate medical education: recommendations

A series of recommendations to increase undergraduate medical education in Scotland by enabling more general practice based teaching in primary care.

Appendix A: Increasing Undergraduate Education in Primary Care Group: Terms of Reference

This Working Group has been set up jointly by the Scottish Government and Board for Academic Medicine (BfAM).


The purpose of this Group is to consider ways of increasing undergraduate education in primary care settings. There are three aspects to this:

Context and background; where we are.

  • Putting Undergraduate education in primary care in the context of other initiatives designed to address GP shortages as outlined in the National Workforce Plan for Primary Care;
  • Carrying out a literature review;
  • Determining the current level of undergraduate teaching in primary care in Scottish Medical Schools;
  • Establishing the number of GPs who currently teach, their capacity to increase teaching time and mechanisms to support them do so;
  • Identifying GPs who don't teach (including GPSTs) who would like to do so and mechanisms to support them do so.
  • Understanding the infrastructure, physical and digital, needed to support an increase in undergraduate teaching;

How do we increase educational delivery?

  • Investigating factors that have a positive influence, including innovative practice within Scotland and elsewhere;
  • Investigating barriers to change;
  • With support from NES scope/model the extent to which existing ACT resource could be used to support this agenda;
  • With support from NES scope/model/quantify the extent to which new ACT resource is required to support this agenda;
  • Model the various impacts on service of (i) GPs spending more time teaching, (ii) some ACT resource being reconfigured from hospitals to community settings


By Spring 2019, develop recommendations to increase education in primary care.


The Group will provide quarterly updates and a final report to the Board for Academic Medicine and the Scottish Government.


The Group will be chaired by Professor John Gillies, supported by the Scottish Government's Health Workforce Division and Primary Care Division. From time to time, the Group will also invite participation from other individuals to support the delivery activities. Full membership of the Group is as follows:

Organisation / Representative


John Gillies

Scottish Government Health Workforce

Stella Smith / Emma Watson

Scottish Government Primary Care

Naureen Ahmad / Lara Cook

Scottish Government Clinical Leadership Fellow

Rob O'Donnell / Kirsten Woolley

Scottish Government Health and Social Care Analysis

Iain MacAllister

University Medical Schools (GP Leads)

Maggie Bartlett, Chair of Community Based Medical Education (University of Dundee)
Jon Dowell, Director of ScotGEM, (University of Dundee)
Karen Fairhurst (University of Edinburgh)
Ken Lawton, Head of GP and Community Teaching (University of Aberdeen)
Lindsey Pope, Director of Community based Medical Education (University of Glasgow)
Rebecca Walmsley (University of St Andrews)

RCGP (Scotland)

Alastair Forbes

NHS Boards

Dr Kerri Neylon, Medical Director, NHS Lanarkshire
Lindsay Donaldson, Director of Medical Education, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Scottish General Practitioners' Committee (SGPC)

Andrew Buist/ Drummond Begg


Geraldine Brennan
Moya Kelly
Amjad Khan
Alastair McLellan

Scottish Deans' Medical Education Group (SDMEG)

Rona Patey

Scottish Funding Council

Helen Raftopoulos

Student Representation

Lekaa Rambabu + members of undergraduate GP societies


Gillian McCallum / Rachael Fairbairn

The Group will meet approximately once every 6 weeks in Edinburgh. Venue tba.

NES Medical ACT and Primary Care Review Group

The Working Group will be supported by the work of the NES Medical ACT and Primary Care Review Group which is working in parallel, reviewing approaches to measuring and resourcing undergraduate teaching in primary care through Medical ACT.



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