
Public sector - understanding equality data collection: main report

This research describes and explores the range of equality and socio-economic disadvantage data collected by public sector organisations. Findings offer insights into what works best in terms of collecting, utilising and safeguarding robust data, highlighting major barriers to its collection or use.

Annex 5: Topics for qualitative interviews

Organisation (Name)

Data Collection ID (1-5)

Name of Data Collection

Equality Data are Collected

1. How does the organisation use these data?

2. What, if any, challenges have there been for the organisation in collecting these data?

3. Do you have any views on the quality and completeness of the data? What reasons would you attribute to low (or high) response rates in relation to these data?

4. What, if any, actions are being taken by the organisation to monitor, develop and / or improve the collection of these data?

5. Would you have concerns about collecting these data in the future? Would you have any concerns if data collection were made mandatory for these data in the future?

6. To what extent - if any - have issues related to data protection / GDPR affected decisions in the organisation about the collection of equality data?

Equality Data are not Collected

1. What factors have informed the organisation's decisions not to collect these data for this particular collection?

2. Are there any plans within the organisation to collect these data in the future? What would need to change (or what assistance would be needed) to make this possible?

3. Would you have any concerns if data collection for these data items were made mandatory in the future?

Any Other Comments

Do you have any other comments in relation to the collection, processing, use, or development of equality data within your organisation?



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