Understanding extremism in Scotland: review of definitions and terminology

A report which reviews definitions of extremism used by governments in countries other than Scotland.


1. PMAPs are a key part of Prevent and involve using a multi-agency approach to assess the nature and extent of an individual's vulnerability and develop an appropriate support plan.

2. In addition to reviewing the UK Governments definition of extremism, the review also considered a definition of 'hateful extremism' developed by the Commission for Countering Extremism (CCE), a non-statutory expert committee of the Home Office which was established by the UK Government in 2018.

3. The incel community is comprised of individuals who feel rejected by women – and arguably society more generally – and turn to the Internet to voice their anger, and often, desire for revenge (Regehr, 2022).

4. CSIS Publications


Email: SVT@gov.scot

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