Understanding extremism in Scotland: stakeholder perceptions and views

Findings from research exploring stakeholder understandings of and perspectives on extremism and Prevent delivery in Scotland.

Appendix A – Topic guide summary

Background and job role

  • Organisation and job role
  • Length of time in role / profession
  • Role in relation to Prevent
  • Geographic scope of organisation

Understanding of extremism

  • Confidence in understanding of term extremism
  • Extremist views and actions
  • Views on whether three scenarios represent extremism
  • Views on definitions of extremism
  • Views on categorisation approach
  • Distinctions between terrorism, hate crime sectarianism and extremism

Views on extremism

  • Views on extent of extremism in Scotland
  • Views on extent of types of extremism in Scotland
  • Geographic variation
  • Views on trends over time
  • Views on factors that make people vulnerable to extremism

Views on Prevent

  • Views on effectiveness of Prevent
  • Opinion of Prevent

Views of ability of sectors to identify and support individuals

  • Ability of sector to identify / support vulnerable individuals
  • Areas where well-equipped / less well-equipped
  • COVID-19 impacts


Email: SVT@gov.scot

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