
Understanding extremism in Scotland: stakeholder perceptions and views

Findings from research exploring stakeholder understandings of and perspectives on extremism and Prevent delivery in Scotland.


1 PMAPs are a key part of Prevent and involve using a multi-agency approach to assess the nature and extent of an individual’s vulnerability and develop an appropriate support plan.

2 The research with public sector practitioners was carried out with frontline professionals working in sectors which have a statutory obligation to fulfil the Prevent duty (local authorities, health and social care, education, prisons, and the police).

3 Paired interviews were used where two participants representing the same organisation wished to be interviewed together.

4 Including the four paired interviews.

5 The term ‘Islamist extremism’ is UK Government terminology (Home Office, 2018) that is also adopted in Scotland.

6 The incel community is comprised of individuals who feel rejected by women – and arguably society more generally – and turn to the Internet to voice their anger, and often, desire for revenge (Regehr, 2022).

7 This reflects instances an ideology includes a combination of elements from multiple ideologies (mixed), shifts between different ideologies (unstable), or where the individual does not present a coherent ideology yet may still pose a terrorism risk (unclear).

8 See Scottish Government (2023a) for more information regarding referrals to Prevent in Scotland in comparison with England and Wales.

9 Intervention Providers

10 Counter-Terrorism Local Profiles

11 In this section a distinction has been made between participants representing the local authority and education sectors. However, in Scotland the provision of education is the responsibility of local authorities, which are under a statutory duty to ensure that there is adequate and efficient provision of school education in their area. This meant that at times education settings were also discussed by participants representing the local authority sector.



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