
Understanding forced marriage in Scotland

Research carried out to better understand forced marriage in Scotland.


The research team would like to thank everyone who participated in the study and provided information which was essential to the research process. We greatly value the time and effort given to the study.

We would also like to thank staff at the Scottish Government, Robert Paterson (Police Scotland), Louise Johnson (Scottish Women's Aid), our partners Hemat Gryffe Women's Aid, Shakti Women's Aid and Scottish Women's Aid, and members of the Research Advisory Group ( RAG), for their support and guidance:

Kirsty Baird, Police Scotland

Kath Gallagher, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Kirsti Hay, Violence Against Women Coordinator, Community Safety Glasgow Council

Louise Johnson, Scottish Women's Aid

Sandra McArdle, Hemat Gryffe Women's Aid

Samantha McCluskey, Police Scotland

Elaine McLaughlin, Hemat Gryffe Women's Aid

Mariem Omari, Amina - the Muslim Women's Resource Centre

Rajni Pandher, Hemat Gryffe Women's Aid

Girijamba Polubothu, Shakti Women's Aid

Cheryl Stewart, Scottish Women's Aid

Alison Stout, Scottish Government

Bruce Sutherland, Scottish Government

Ashley Thomson, Shakti Women's Aid

Mridul Wadhwa, Shakti Women's Aid


Email: Social Research

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