
Understanding the Scottish rural economy: research paper

This report outlines the Scottish Government's understanding of the Scottish rural economy and presents economic and social data.

UK Sectoral Productivity

While there is data at the local authority level available for the main industry sectors as described above, there are no local level figures available for sectoral productivity at a more detailed level. The figures below stem from the UK department BEIS and illustrate the sectoral variation in labour productivity at the UK level. Whilst there may be differences for Scotland there are not presently cross sector statistics at the Scotland level. Overall these BEIS analysis show that the highest productivity sectors are Oil and Gas, Real Estate, Pharmaceuticals and Utilities. The lowest are in administrative and support services; hotels and restaurants; health and social care; retail; and agriculture.

Chart 15: UK Labour Productivity by sector (Gross Value Added per head, £000s), 2015

Chart 15: UK Labour Productivity by sector (Gross Value Added per head, £000s), 2015

Source: BEIS analysis of Office for National Statistics data, 2015. [8]


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