
Understanding the Scottish rural economy: research paper

This report outlines the Scottish Government's understanding of the Scottish rural economy and presents economic and social data.

Travel Patterns

Chart 19 below shows that residents in rural Scotland are more likely than those in the rest of Scotland to spend over £100 per month on fuel for their cars. The proportion of residents of remote and Accessible Rural areas that report that they spend over £100 per month on fuel are 48% and 53% respectively, compared to 38% in the rest of Scotland. A higher level of expenditure on fuel for cars is likely to be, in part, due to longer driving distances to key services, as shown in Chart 18 and 17.

Chart 19: Total expenditure on fuel for cars per month by geographic area, 2015

Chart 19: Total expenditure on fuel for cars per month by geographic area, 2015

Source: Scottish Household Survey, 2015 (Using Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification 2013-2014)


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