United Kingdom and Faroe Islands fisheries consultations: agreed record for 2024

Agreed record of fisheries consultations between the United Kingdom and the Faroe Islands for 2024.

Monitoring, control and surveillance

​​​​​​9.1 The Delegations recognised the importance of cooperation in regard to the monitoring, control and surveillance measures that are stipulated in the Technical Annexes to this Agreed Record as set out in Annex 5. They acknowledged that there are significant benefits for both sides in sharing relevant information and intelligence and in enhancing co-operation in areas of mutual interest. The Delegations decided to strive to meet as required during 2024 to discuss relevant topics and evaluate the cooperation regarding the Special Area.

9.2 The Delegations noted the good cooperation this year in implementing the relevant technical arrangements that apply to vessels fishing in the waters of the other Party, as set out in the Technical Annexes. They further decided that, as those measures have shown themselves to be effective during 2023, only minimal revision was required for the 2024 Technical Annex. The Technical Annexes applicable for 2024 are set out in Annex 5. They also decided to review implementation of the Technical Annexes during 2024 to ensure measures are being followed and are resulting in effective monitoring, control and surveillance.

9.3 The Delegations noted the positive discussions on data exchange that had taken place during 2023 and the ongoing work towards introducing ERS and VMS in NEAFC based on the FLUX UN/CEFACT International Standard (Recommendation 19:2019). They recognised that there would be benefit to both Parties if an agreement on using a common transportation layer could be reached and decided to scope the feasibility of this during 2024 to allow an update and potential work plan to be produced prior to the annual consultations for 2025.


Email: ceu@gov.scot

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