
United Kingdom and Norway - fisheries consultations: agreed record for 2023

Agreed records of fisheries consultations between the United Kingdom and Norway for 2023.


Annex I

Terms of reference for a working group on electronic reporting and recording experts for 2023

The Delegations agreed that the Working Group on Electronic Reporting should meet before 31 May 2023 under the Terms of Reference described below. After that the Working Group should meet as appropriate.

The Working Group will:

  1. Revise the arrangements on ERS set down in the Technical Annex, with a view to:
    1. Establishing technical procedures and specifications taking into account the use of the UN/FLUX standards, based on the arrangements of the new NEAFC ERS.
    2. Identifying additional reporting needs, outstanding issues and elements that can improve performance of the current system for electronic exchange of catch and activity data (ERS) between the United Kingdom and Norway to be implemented in the new ERS system based on UN/FLUX standards, including automatic forwarding of return messages from the coastal State to the vessel, to secure satisfactory exchange and increased quality of catch and activity data.
    3. Establishing technical procedures and specifications to implement the possibility to pull data covering fishing activities before entering and after exiting the economic zone of the other Party, to be implemented in the new ERS system based on UN/FLUX standards.
  2. Review the arrangements on VMS set down in the Technical Annex.

The Working Group should submit its report to the Parties well in advance of the annual consultations for 2023.

Annex II

Bilateral arrangement between Norway and the United Kingdom to improve compliance with fishery management measures

The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries and Fisheries Administrations of the United Kingdom (hereafter “the Parties”) share the view that efficient and trustworthy Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) measures are key factors in a comprehensive management regime targeting sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources.

Noting that the objective of MCS measures is to ensure compliance with the applicable national and international fisheries regulations and management measures, and thereby secure a level playing field within the fishing industry.

Recognising that sharing stocks, managing a global fishery industry, and to prevent and eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) (as defined in FAO’s International plan of action against IUU-fishing (IPOA-IUU), point 3) fishing and criminal activity in the fisheries sector throughout the value chain for fisheries resources and products thereof, requires cooperation on all measures that will improve compliance with fishery management measures.

Knowing that increased sharing of information and data will lead to transparency and improved understanding, and thereby improved compliance.

Recalling the longstanding cooperation between the Parties on MCS measures.

Understanding that this arrangement expresses the will of the Parties to cooperate on measures that will improve compliance as outlined in this arrangement.

Recognising that this arrangement does not limit the opportunities of the Parties to table proposals for other, and possibly stricter measures both in this and other forums.

The following specific arrangements between the Parties are agreed:

Risk based MCS measures

The Parties recognise that MCS measures must be introduced on a risk-based approach and therefore agree to cooperate on risk management both on a strategic and operational level.

Dependent on the priorities of the Compliance Forum, cooperation on risk management include, but are not limited to, risk assessment, risk handling/treatment and monitoring and review as a planned part of the risk management process.

Cooperation on risk management also includes the options of:

  • co-operating on planning of inspection and control activities at sea, by air or in port, and throughout the value chain for fisheries resources and products thereof
  • allowing observers (inspection and control officials) of one Party to accompany the other Parties inspection and control officials during the conduct of control activities at sea, in air or in port

Sharing information

To facilitate efficient risk management, the Parties agree to share relevant data and information on fishing activities throughout the value chain. In this arrangement fishing activities means fishing, including joint fishing operations, fish processing operations on board, the transhipment or landing of fisheries resources or products thereof and any other commercial activity in preparation for, or related to, fishing; including inter alia, packaging, transporting, refuelling or re-supplying. Other relevant data and information throughout the value chain, inter alia processing and export data can also be shared.

The Parties also agree to share relevant information about inspections at sea, in air or in port, and violations of fisheries regulations.

The Parties agree to exchange relevant intelligence, information, data, or knowledge concerning possible IUU fishing activities or crime in the fisheries sector by companies or individuals based in the other Party’s country. Furthermore, the Parties will as far possible, pursuant to national legislation assist each other by making efforts to access relevant or MCS related information from other control bodies within their country about companies involved in IUU fisheries and associated activities.

The Party providing the information listed above, could share it on its own initiative or the other Party may request the information.

Upon request, the other Party will verify information in writing and provide certified copies of documents. Such exchange may, due to law enforcement, be subject to specific formal requirements agreed between the Parties.

The Parties recognise that national regulations may limit the sharing of information, and undertake that all commercially sensitive and personal data obtained under this arrangement will be exchanged and treated in accordance with the applicable principles of confidentiality and data protection.

Improved MCS measures

To ensure and improve compliance with fishery management measures, the Parties recognise that cooperation is necessary, including on the further development and introduction of new MCS measures. 

Hence, the Parties may share ideas, knowledge and experience on any developments of new and existing MCS measures, inter alia catch identification technologies, remote electronic monitoring, sensor technologies, and electronic reporting systems. This also include MCS methodologies.

The Parties agree to improve the efficiency of MCS measures through industry involvement, education and guidance.

The Parties will cooperate on training of personnel where relevant.

Compliance forum

To facilitate a risk-based approach, efficient sharing of information and improved and enhanced MCS measures, the Parties agree to establish a Compliance Forum that will identify, prioritise, review and follow up areas of cooperation on a strategic level.

The Compliance Forum will meet at least annually and as appropriate. To ensure the efficiency of the Compliance Forum the Parties will be represented by personnel with decision-making authority who have the knowledge and seniority to make decisions as required by the work of the Compliance Forum.

The Parties will provide lists of names of UK and Norwegian personnel engaged in the implementation of this arrangement. Such lists may be revised and exchanged when appropriate.

The Compliance Forum may establish and task ad hoc project-based sub forums to operationalise the priorities of the Compliance Forum, inter alia risk management on an operational level. All sub forums will report to the Compliance Forum and may identify needs or requirements and suggest joint or harmonised measures to be considered by the Compliance Forum.

These revised arrangements replace the earlier protocol signed between the United Kingdom Fisheries Authorities and the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries on May 12, 2015.


On behalf of the United Kingdom

Colin Faulkner


On behalf of Norway

Thord Monsen

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