
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) The Scottish Government's Draft Delivery Plan (2016-2020) - Consultation

This draft plan sets out our aim to removing barriers and enabling disabled people to enjoy equal access to citizenship. Over 50 commitments will help us deliver the four outcomes and three cross cutting themes that will bring about change to disabled people. We will consider the views of disabled people on this approach and finalise our plan in spring 2016

About this consultation

The Scottish Government would like to hear your views on this draft delivery plan, which sets out our approach to implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). A summary of the document is also available in the following formats on the consultation webpage:

  • BSL
  • Easy read
  • Word
  • ebooklet (the document in its entirety)

The pdf format has an audio facility for people with a visual impairment. If you require a copy of this paper in any other format or a different language please contact, 0300 244 4000 (ask for Cathy Hewit) or Text Relay Service: 18001+ 0300 244 4000 (service for deaf people).

The consultation relates to the draft delivery plan, however, this is part of a wider package of activity by the Scottish Government and its partners, further information about which is provided in Annexes A-F for information.

This Scottish Government consultation is running alongside a consultation being carried out by the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA). The two are separate due to the different roles and responsibilities of the two organisations, which are reflected in the commitments made in each document. We would encourage respondents to consider and respond to both consultations if possible. The COSLA consultation is published here.

Issue Date
The consultation was issued on 8 September 2015.

The consultation runs until 4 January 2016.

How to respond

A respondent information form and questionnaire are set out at Annex G.

The Scottish Government appreciates some people may have a particular interest in certain areas only so please do not feel you need to complete all questions. We welcome your response to any or all of those parts where you feel you have a contribution to make.

There are a number of ways that you can respond:

  • You can respond online from the consultation webpage.
  • You can use the Word version of the questionnaire available on the consultation webpage, and email it to
  • You can also respond in writing, by sending your response to:
Catherine Hewit
Scottish Government Equality Unit
Area 3H South
Victoria Quay
  • Please let us know if you would like to respond to the consultation in an alternative format.

The consultation questionnaire and respondent information form are built into the online response option. For all other types of response, the Scottish Government would be grateful if you could use the consultation questionnaire provided or can clearly indicate in your response which questions or parts of the consultation paper you are responding to, as this will aid our analysis of the responses received. Please do not forget to include your Respondent Information Form (ANNEX G) as your response cannot be accepted without it.

There may be opportunities to participate in events in your area to discuss the delivery plan. Please contact your representative organisation if you are a member of one, or Cathy Hewit for further information.

Handling your response

The Scottish Government needs to know how you wish your response to be handled and, in particular, whether you are happy for your response to be made public. As stated above, please complete and return the Respondent Information Form as this will ensure that we treat your response appropriately (it is already built in to the online response option). If you ask for your response not to be published we will regard it as confidential, and we will treat it accordingly.

Where respondents have given permission for their response to be made public and after we have checked that they contain no potentially defamatory material, responses will be made available to the public in the Scottish Government Library. You can make arrangements to view responses by contacting the Scottish Government Library on 0131 244 4552. Responses can be copied and sent to you, but a charge may be made for this service.

All respondents should be aware that the Scottish Government is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and would therefore have to consider any request made to it under the Act for information relating to responses made to this consultation exercise.

What happens next?

Following the closing date, all responses will be analysed and we will publish a report of this analysis on the Scottish Government's website at:

Scottish Government response

The Scottish Government will respond to the consultation in April 2016. We will publish our final delivery plan - which will take account of consultation responses - in the summer of 2016.


Any enquiries (including requests for alternative formats) or comments about the consultation process should be sent to

The Scottish Government has an email alert system for consultations, This system allows stakeholder individuals and organisations to register and receive a weekly email containing details of all new consultations (including web links). It complements, but in no way replaces, Scottish Government distribution lists, and is designed to allow stakeholders to keep up to date with all Scottish Government consultation activity, and therefore be alerted at the earliest opportunity to those of most interest. We would encourage you to register.


Email: Catherine Hewit

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