
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) The Scottish Government's Draft Delivery Plan (2016-2020) - Consultation

This draft plan sets out our aim to removing barriers and enabling disabled people to enjoy equal access to citizenship. Over 50 commitments will help us deliver the four outcomes and three cross cutting themes that will bring about change to disabled people. We will consider the views of disabled people on this approach and finalise our plan in spring 2016

4. Measuring our progress

As with any delivery plan it's important that progress can be measured at regular intervals to identify what's working and if anything needs to be change so that we make a positive difference to the lives of disabled people living in Scotland.

Responsibility for measuring progress of these commitments will be with Scottish Government officials.

The Scottish Government will work with Disabled People's Organisations (DPOs) and the United Kingdom Independent mechanism (UKIM) to continue to gather and share information about priority need.


Email: Catherine Hewit

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