
Universal Health Visiting Pathway evaluation: phase 1 report - routine data analysis - baseline outcomes

The Universal Health Visiting Pathway was introduced in Scotland in 2015 to refocus the approach to health visiting. This is the third report of four that provides findings of the national evaluation of Health Visiting. It focuses on baseline outcomes prior to the introduction of the pathway.

List of figures

Figure 1 Data availability in the 6-8 week review for both 'current feeding' outcomes for the totally unexposed birth cohort

Figure 2 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort with exclusive breast milk feeding at 6-8 weeks (Outcome 1a)

Figure 3 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort with any breast milk feeding at 6-8 weeks (Outcome 1b)

Figure 4 Availability of the 6-8 week review for both 'current feeding' outcomes, stratified by SIMD

Figure 5 Data availability in the 6-8 week review for both 'current feeding' outcomes, stratified by SIMD

Figure 6 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort with exclusive breast milk feeding at 6-8 weeks (Outcome 1a), stratified by SIMD

Figure 7 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort with any breast milk feeding at 6-8 weeks (Outcome 1b), stratified by SIMD

Figure 8 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort in which complete coverage of universal primary and end infancy immunisations by 2nd birthday have been recorded on SIRS (Outcome 2)

Figure 9 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort in which complete coverage of universal primary and end infancy immunisations by 2nd birthday have been recorded on SIRS (Outcome 2), stratified by SIMD

Figure 10 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort with any attendance at dentist by 2nd birthday (Outcome 3)

Figure 11 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort with any attendance at dentist by second birthday (Outcome 3), stratified by SIMD

Figure 12 Data availability in the 27-30 month review for Outcome 4a: Primary carer current smoker at 27-30 months

Figure 13 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort where the primary carer is a current smoker at 27-30 month review (Outcome 4a)

Figure 14 Data availability in the 27-30 month review for Outcome 4b: child exposed to second hand smoke at 27-30 months

Figure 15 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort in which the child is exposed to second hand smoke at 27-30 months (Outcome 4b)

Figure 16 Availability of 27-30 month review for smoking outcomes for totally unexposed cohort, stratified by SIMD quintile

Figure 17 Availability of meaningful data for Outcome 4a, primary carer current smoker, in 27-30 month review for totally unexposed cohort, stratified by SIMD quintile

Figure 18 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort in which the primary carer currently smokes at 27-30 months (Outcome 4a), stratified by SIMD quintile

Figure 19 Availability of meaningful data for Outcome 4b, child exposed to second hand smoke, in 27-30 month review for totally unexposed cohort, stratified by SIMD quintile

Figure 20 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort in which the child is exposed to second hand smoke at 27-30 months (Outcome 4b), stratified by SIMD quintile

Figure 21 Data availability in the 27-30 month review for Outcome 5a: any developmental concern at 27-30 months

Figure 22 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort in which any developmental concern has been recorded at 27-30 months (Outcome 5a)

Figure 23 Data availability in the 27-30 month review for Outcome 5b: any concern about speech, language and communication (S, L & C) development at 27-30 months

Figure 24 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort in which any concern about speech, language or communication (S, L & C) development has been recorded at 27-30 months (Outcome 5b)

Figure 25 Data availability in the 27-30 month review for Outcome 5c: any concern about social and emotional (S & E) development at 27-30 months

Figure 26 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort in which any concern about social and emotional (S & E) development has been recorded at 27-30 months (Outcome 5c)

Figure 27 Availability of 27-30 month review for totally unexposed cohort, stratified by SIMD

Figure 28 Availability of complete data for all 'development' domains recorded in 27-30 month review for totally unexposed cohort, stratified by SIMD

Figure 29 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort for which any developmental concern has been recorded at 27-30 months (Outcome 5a), stratified by SIMD

Figure 30 Availability of meaningful data for speech, language & communication developmental concern recorded in 27-30 month review (Outcome 5b) for totally unexposed cohort, by SIMD

Figure 31 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort for which any concern about speech, language & communication development has been recorded at 27-30 months (Outcome 5b), stratified by SIMD

Figure 32 Availability of meaningful data for social and emotional developmental concern recorded in 27-30 month review (Outcome 5c) for totally unexposed cohort, stratified by SIMD

Figure 33 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort in which any concern about social and emotional development has been recorded at 27-30 months (Outcome 5c), stratified by SIMD

Figure 34 Coverage of 27-30 month review for Outcomes 6a and 6b

Figure 35 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort at risk of overweight or obesity (BMI ≥ 85th centile) at 27-30 months (Outcome 6a)

Figure 36 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort who are clinically obese (BMI ≥ 98th centile) at 27-30 months (Outcome 6b)

Figure 37 Availability of 27-30 month review for totally unexposed cohort, stratified by SIMD

Figure 38 Availability of valid height and weight data recorded in 27-30 month review for totally unexposed cohort, stratified by SIMD

Figure 39 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort in which child at risk of overweight or obesity (BMI ≥ 85th centile) at 27-30 months (Outcome 6a), stratified by SIMD

Figure 40 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort in which child is clinically obese (BMI ≥ 98th centile) at 27-30 months (Outcome 6b), stratified by SIMD

Figure 41 Percentage of totally unexposed children who were admitted to hospital for any unintentional injury before 3rd birthday (Outcome 7a)

Figure 42 Percentage of totally unexposed children who were admitted to hospital for any unintentional poisoning, burn or scald before 3rd birthday (Outcome 7b)

Figure 43 Percentage of totally unexposed children who were admitted to hospital for any unintentional long bone fracture or head injury before 3rd birthday (Outcome 7c)

Figure 44 Percentage of totally unexposed children who were admitted to hospital for any unintentional injury before 3rd birthday (Outcome 7a), stratified by SIMD

Figure 45 Percentage of totally unexposed children who were admitted to hospital for any unintentional poisoning, burn or scald before 3rd birthday (Outcome 7b), stratified by SIMD

Figure 46 Percentage of totally unexposed children who were admitted to hospital for any unintentional long bone fracture or head injury before 3rd birthday (Outcome 7c), stratified by SIMD

Figure 47 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort that has been placed on child protection register at any point between birth and 3rd birthday (Outcome 8a)

Figure 48 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort that has been placed on child protection register for ≥ 6 months between birth and 3rd birthday (Outcome 8b)

Figure 49 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort that have been registered with Looked After Child status at any point between birth and 3rd birthday (Outcome 9a)

Figure 50 Percentage of totally unexposed birth cohort that have been registered with Looked After Child status for ≥ 6 months between birth and 3rd birthday (Outcome 9b)



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