University of Strathclyde - TQFE Programme: consultation analysis

Analysis of responses to our consultation on “University of Strathclyde – Further Education Teaching Programme” which ran from 4 April 2022 to 16 May 2022.


There were 6 questions in the consultation document which related to the proposed further education teaching programme to be delivered by the University of Strathclyde.

The following analysis follows the layout of the consultation document.

All questions which asked for a "yes" or "no" answer have been broken down into the following categories for responses:

Yes – the respondent selected "yes" when answering the question

No – the respondent selected "no" when answering the question

No definitive answer (NDA) – the respondent did not select "yes" or "no" but provided comments which highlighted issues or made suggestions about the proposal

Not answered (NA) – the respondent did not answer the question and made no comments about the proposal




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