
Procurement strategy update

Updates the 2017 to 2019 procurement strategy and sets out how we plan to carry out our procurement activity.

ISBN 978 1 78851 711 9 (web only publication)
PPDAS 367086

This document is also available in pdf format (322KB)

Update: w e have reviewed the Scottish Government Procurement Strategy and to provide continuity and support to our suppliers during the COVID-19 outbreak we have extended it until 31 March 2021. While some limited references to delivery dates/statistics may be out of date we will continue to keep the document under review and make changes to it if needed.

1. Introduction

Part 1

2. Carrying out our functions and purpose

3. How our procurement activity contributes to value for money

4. Some other key policies and principles linked to public procurement

5. Sustainable procurement and our approach to engaging SMEs, the third sector and supported businesses

Part 2

6. Our Policies
6.1 Applying community benefit requirements in our contracts
6.2 Consulting and involving people affected by our procurements
6.3 Fair Work practices including paying the ‘real’ Living Wage to people involved in delivering our contracts
6.4 Making sure our contractors and subcontractors keep to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and any provision made under
that Act
6.5 Procuring fairly and ethically traded goods and services
6.6 Using contracts involving food to improve the health, wellbeing and education of communities in Scotland and promote the highest standards of animal welfare
6.7 Paying invoices in 30 days or less to our contractors and subcontractors

7. Annual procurement report

8. Strategy ownership and contact details


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