
Control of Dogs (Scotland) Act 2010: guidance - updated

Guidance is provided in accordance with the duty upon the Scottish Ministers under section 12(1) of the Control of Dogs (Scotland) Act 2010 to issue guidance to local authorities in relation to the exercise of their functions and the functions of authorised officers under the 2010 Act.

Part I: Form of execution of service of a dog control notice

I can confirm that Dog Control Notice (INSERT DCN no) was signed and dated and placed into the envelope in the presence of (name of witness).

Form of execution of service of Dog Control Notice under The Control of Dogs (Scotland) Act 2010.

Execution of service on Dog Owner / Proper Person

I, an Animal Welfare Officer an authorised officer under The Control of Dogs (Scotland) Act 2010 on (date) duly served a Dog Control Notice on (name) of (address). This was witnessed by my colleague. The Dog Control Notice was served by the following means:

Hand delivered to known address / Served on the proper person

Signed Authorised Officer:


I (insert name of dog owner) agree receipt of Dog Control Notice (inset notice no) on (insert date) at …………………..……… I agree that I was given the opportunity to have the Dog Control Notice explained to me by the authorised officers.


Authorised Officer




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