
User Guide to Recorded Crime Statistics in Scotland

Provides detailed information on the Recorded Crime in Scotland statistical bulletin series. It is designed to be a useful reference guide with explanatory notes regarding issues and classifications which are crucial to the production and presentation of crime statistics in Scotland.

22. Accessibility of recorded crime data

The data included in the Recorded Crime in Scotland bulletin series can be accessed in a number of different ways and formats. This is in addition to the data that are included in the bulletins themselves. Clearly, only a limited selection of tables can be included in each bulletin. However, further analysis of recorded crime statistics can be supplied on request. This includes available information relating to time periods other than those covered in the current bulletin. In certain cases a fee is charged. For details of what can be provided, please e-mail

22.1 Web tables

The headline data is presented at Scotland and Local Authority level. The tables are available in an accessible excel format as supporting documents to the main bulletin.


Recorded crime data are available from the website. Local authority and Scotland data are available on the website, with data available from 1996-97 onwards.

The recorded crime data can be found in the Crime and Justice topic area on the website. The data provided are crimes and offences recorded by the police, clear up rates and crimes and offences rates per 10,000 population. Please note that clear up rates for Road Traffic Offences or Coronavirus restriction crimes are not included. For further information on the reason behind this please see the section on Clear Up Rates.

​​​​​​​22.3 Future  Improvements

The 2021 consultation asked for feedback on potential future developments for statistics on recorded crime and police activity. This evidence will be used to inform longer term planning of these statistics, and users will be kept informed of any developments via ScotStat.



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