
Flu and COVID-19 vaccination programme - autumn/winter 2021-2022: equality impact assessment

An equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the autumn/winter 2021-2022 Flu and COVID-19 vaccination programme.

Annex C: Vaccination Communications and Informed Consent


119. A National Communications Plan also supports this work as well as sharing of good practice examples and lessons learned between health boards.

120. We work closely with stakeholders to amplify key campaign messages and ensure we communicate effectively to the population of Scotland, delivering messaging in an inclusive way to reach all geographies and underserved communities, including minority ethnic groups.

121. The Scottish Government works closely with NHS 24, Public Health Scotland and third sector partners to ensure key public health information on COVID-19 is available in multiple languages and accessible formats via the NHS Inform website, which is Scotland's central repository for public health information. Key COVID-19 content is available in multiple different languages and formats and can be found here:

122. The COVID-19 helpline is open every day from 8 am to 10 pm. The COVID-19 helpline provides people who don't have access to the internet, or need to speak to someone, with access to the same information and services available digitally. People whose first or preferred language is not English can Use Language Line, a free over-the-phone interpreting service and Contact Scotland is there to support SL users.

123. We have been working with public and third sector partners to understand messaging, language and accessibility requirements, and have worked collaboratively to create and disseminate this information.

Informed consent

124. It is a legal and ethical principle that valid consent must be obtained before starting personal care, treatment or investigations. This reflects the rights of individuals to decide what happens to their own bodies and consent is a fundamental principle of good healthcare and professional practice. Information about consent to vaccination can be found in the Green Book - Greenbook chapter 2 consent ( This includes guidance around the vaccination of adults (over 16 in Scotland) children under 16, and Adults with Incapacity.

125. PHS leads the development of informed consent materials, which include topic-specific information and information in different languages and formats can be found on the NHS Inform website to inform consent for vaccination - The coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine (



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