
Flu and COVID-19 vaccination programme - autumn/winter 2021-2022: equality impact assessment

An equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the autumn/winter 2021-2022 Flu and COVID-19 vaccination programme.

Annex D: Examples of Health Board Inclusive Activity

126. Table 2 below is not comprehensive but highlights some of the range of work being undertaken by health boards and at a national level to embed inclusion and equalities.

Table 2

Health Board

Activity 18-29 year olds

Other inclusive activity to date

NHS Ayrshire and Arran

Increased drop-in opportunities

Mobile unit taken to primary school in Ayr. Location chosen to enable the vaccine to be offered to those accessing the foodbank there. The clinic was run in partnership with the primary school, the Violence Reduction Unit, Community Link Worker, South Ayrshire ADP, Homeless Service and NHS Vaccination Team. Those attending were aged between 20 and 69 and were also offered additional health advice and naloxone kits to take away.

In spring, the board also arranged to put tokens for free bus travel to and from vaccine appointments in their blue letters. This was an attempt to ensure that poverty was not a barrier to travel to access vaccine clinics.

NHS Borders

Increased drop-in opportunities

Contacting SFA - Coldstream, Gala and Hawick.

Mobile unit at St Boswell's fair offering drop-in vaccination and handing out lateral flow test kits to reach Gypsy/Traveller communities.

Mobile units at Farne Salmon and Garnvale Potatoes offices.

Consultant recorded information video for social media providing information for those pregnant or planning to become pregnant.

NHS Dumfries and Galloway

Ran LGBTQI+ session in conjunction with youth group

Targeted poster campaign focusing on young people following the rules and accepting invitation for a vaccine

Offering transport support

Produced a video addressing vaccination questions put to a Public Health consultant from members of Dumfries and Galloway Multicultural Association.

Exploring holding sign posting and popup clinics at the larger supermarkets in areas of lower uptake.

Transport to vaccination clinics support supplied from D&G Council and British Red Cross.

NHS Fife

Increased drop-in opportunities

Plans underway to provide pop-ups at Raith Rovers matches in July.

Working with St Andrews University to offer students at start of term.

Regular meetings with local LGBTQ+ organisation which are undertaking ongoing stakeholder engagement work.

Specific programme for those who are pregnant via maternity services to provide patient-centred advice and vaccination.

Scoping work for outreach clinics at Amazon site.

NHS Forth Valley

Increased drop-in opportunities - targeted at college campuses

Plans to reach out to the Polish community through connections with the Roman Catholic Church in Falkirk.

Outreach work with SAS and local authority teams effectively targeted people experiencing homelessness who are in emergency accommodation, and Gypsy/Traveller, asylum seeker and refugee communities. Succeeded in vaccinating 105 people who reported they would not have attended if it were in a vaccine centre or GP practice.

NHS Grampian

Video featuring young people in their 20s interviewed about their experience of receiving their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Conducted local survey of 18-29 year olds.

Increased drop-in opportunities

In discussion on pop-ups at student halls of residence in city centre and shopping centres in areas of lower uptake.

African Church providing a venue for vaccination centre and pastor supporting community engagement. Relationship resulted in further positive contacts with African pastors for other health boards.

Vaccination clinics held in other churches, community centres, sexual health clinics and food bank for pop-up clinics in July.

Presentation online for local Syrian new Scots addressing misconceptions and providing information about vaccinations.

Discussions with SAS on possibility of sending mobile vaccination units to remote and rural areas with low levels of uptake.

Engagement with North East Sensory Services (NESS) resulting in provision of advice locally to those with visual impairments to enable them to attend appointments safely. Subtitles added to walk-through video for P&J Live to support those who are deaf/hard of hearing.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Videos for #MyJagMatters social media campaign aimed at people between 18-35 years old. Series of selfie videos from the public detailing why being vaccinated is important to them. Two videos posted each day and people are encouraged to share their stories using #MyJagMatters.

Considering using transport signs to promote clinics.

Pop ups arranged in schools, car parks, sports and leisure centres and football clubs - including Celtics, Rangers and Hampden.

Clinics have been held in Mosques and Gurdwaras in areas of high case prevalence.

Key messages and video links shared with targeted social media channels, including religious organisations.

Interview with an NHSGGC GP aired in English and Urdu on Radio Awaz, as well as a series of advertisements in English, Urdu and Punjabi. Interview with Dr Syed Ahmed aired on Radio Awaz.

Selfie videos of minority ethnic community staff members receiving their vaccinations produced for social media and shared with community groups.

Conversations ongoing with employers and others re further pop-ups.

NHS Lanarkshire

Mobile clinics to workplaces - Tunnocks, Sky etc. in the hope of reaching younger cohorts.

Pop up arranged for Clyde Football Club.

Engagement with the local South Asian/Muslim community has taken place including a seminar to dispel some myths around the vaccine.

Video promoting uptake co-produced with South Asian/Muslim community members and distributed around local networks.

Arranged with Strathclyde Passenger Transport to have 2 free shuttle buses operating to enable people to access vaccine super centres.

More local satellite clinics will be made available on a rolling basis to allow easier access to vaccination.

The Keep Well programme established links with Gypsy/Traveller communities to ensure people are supported to attend for vaccination.

Reaching out to student welfare leads to identify any students who may be eligible for the vaccine, but haven't been able to.

NHS Lothian

Mobile drop-in vaccination unit available at various central locations across Edinburgh and Lothians in conjunction with SAS to make it easier for people working in retail, hospitality or those who are out and about to get their vaccine.

Set up a University Working Group with representation from all universities and colleges across Lothian that is planning how to promote and deliver COVID-19 vaccine to student populations

#StickWithIt campaign to address fatigue with restrictions, remind people that they may still transmit the virus once vaccinated and stress importance of continued adherence to guidance.

Bespoke weekend clinics set up for eligible 16-17-year-olds at RHCYP and at a mass centre

Pop-up at Hibs v Arsenal match

Plans to reach out to the Polish community through Polish priests.

Engagement with local Rabbi to support the Jewish community.

Drop-in clinics in mosque

FAQs and community messaging videos to provide reassurance about fertility. Resources also provide advice and signposting on vaccinations during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Interrogation of uptake data to better understand vaccine uptake by geographical location with aim of targeting outreach.

Edinburgh Access Practice, in partnership with Streetwork and other third sector bodies, vaccinated over 700 homeless individuals through opportunistic vaccinations in the practice, outreach clinics at temporary accommodation and hostels, and drop-in-clinics at a local harm reduction centre. Some of these are undocumented migrants – e.g. 24 Chinese temporary resident workers attended.

West Lothian, Midlothian and East Lothian reaching people experiencing homelessness through partnership with local substance misuse teams and third sector. Best uptake when known workers encourage /accompany. High rate of DNA without these factors.

East Lothian has vaccinated people at risk/experiencing homeless using outreach clinics at substance misuse services and at home visits to supported accommodation. Primary care vaccination team continue to support easy access to clinics and carryout 'mop up' vaccines.

NHS Orkney

Under 30s are being actively phoned.

Engaging with LGBT+ services to help with advice around consent and other NHS vaccine information.

Deprivation and poverty - clinics have been provided locally on the outer Isles to reduce the need for travel to the mainland.

Contacting businesses to encourage any un/under vaccinated staff to attend.

NHS Highland

Running rural mobile units and local messaging to advise people if they can't make appointments to attend mobile units.

Community pharmacies and Superdrug being used as a trial.

Encourage students recently returned home to attend.

Ongoing work with Chinese community to increase engagement with the programme.

Use of two mobile clinics going out into rural communities (named 'Jagger-naught' and 'Test-a-lot') with consideration for a third ('Moves Like Jagger'). Positive comms out of this via. social media and local radio.

Texting all unvaccinated portal registrants, linking with community groups and third sector organisations.

NHS Tayside

Out of hours clinics open 7-8pm to allow people to attend after work; most drop-ins open until 7pm.

Running videos targeted at younger age groups #GrabAJab

Plans for drop-in with St Johnstone Football Team.

Ongoing work with seasonal agricultural workers from various countries – tend to be very hesitant and challenges in getting information due to literacy and language barriers. Taking mobile units to farms with translators and building up relationships.

Drop-in at homeless service in Perth and Kinross and SAS bus at locations in Perth and Dundee in areas of deprivation.

Chinese restaurant offered space to engage with local Chinese community, close to the Caird Hall vaccination centre and after speaking with them, encouraging them to go.

NHS Shetland

18-29 cohort has 82% uptake and the team are phoning and pushing the messaging (also targeting parents) .

Work to encourage recently returned students to attend clinics.

Partnership work with local agencies which have relationships with under-served communities to ensure they are reached.

Working closely with mental health and LD nurses to ensure people getting both doses.

Local comms inviting temporary residents to attend.

NHS Western Isles

Poster campaign for younger cohort - 'vax and relax'

Conducted survey aimed at those aged 18 or over who have not yet had their first dose to understand barriers.

Encouraging students recently returned home to attend clinics.

Created posters on fertility, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Contacting employers of contractors to encourage contractors from mainland to come forward to vaccination. Includes work with seafarers and employers

Provision of transport to attend clinics and where there are rural areas of deprivation, providing localised clinics with bundling of multiple groups.



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