Vaccines research: Looking at why some people get vaccinated and some do not

This report looks at why some people chose to take up the Covid-19 and flu vaccinations and some did not. It is based on interviews with 81 people.

Thinking about the future

When deciding about having Covid-19 vaccinations in the future people were most likely to think about the risks and the good things.

There were different views about having Covid-19 vaccinations again in the future.

Some people who were happy to get future vaccinations were worried about a risk to their health.

Other people's views ranged from being likely to have a future vaccine, to being certain they would not get vaccinated.

Things that made people not want to get a vaccine in the future included:

- people thinking there was not a big risk to their health

- getting fed up with having to get more than 1 vaccine

- people's worries about the vaccine working well

- worries about side effects

- the original reason for getting vaccinated, was not there anymore – for example some countries did not need you to have a Covid Status Certificate

Changes to these things may change people's minds about getting vaccinations in the future.

Most people felt the Covid-19 and flu vaccination programmes had been well organised.

People suggested some things that would make Covid-19 and flu vaccination programmes better in the future.

People felt it was important for the vaccination programme to:

- include everyone

- be honest and easy to understand

- be flexible and able to change if needed

- have friendly and welcoming staff



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