Vaping – effectiveness of advertising restrictions and role of advertising and free distribution in uptake

This briefing presents an overview of known impacts of advertising restrictions of vaping products, and of the evidence on the role played by advertising and free distribution on vaping uptake.


1 WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic 2021: addressing new and emerging products

2 University of Glasgow - Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Scotland Study; Headline-results-ASH-Smokefree-GB-adults-and-youth-survey-results-2023; Use of e-cigarettes among young people in Great Britain - ASH; Smoking Toolkit Study - E-Cigarettes Latest Trends - Graphs - Smoking in Scotland.

3 Impacts of EU Tobacco Products Directive regulations on use of e-cigarettes in adolescents in Great Britain: a natural experiment evaluation (; Impact of the Tobacco Products Directive on self-reported exposure to e-cigarette advertising, promotion and sponsorship in smokers—findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys | European Journal of Public Health; Exposure to e-cigarette advertising and young people’s use of e-cigarettes: A four-country study - PMC (; E-cigarette marketing in the UK (

4 Short report: Factors contributing to young people’s susceptibility to e-cigarettes in four countries - ScienceDirect; Longitudinal association between exposure to e-cigarette advertising and youth e-cigarette use in the United States - ScienceDirect; Relationship Between Time Spent on Social Media and Adolescent Cigarette, E-cigarette, and Dual Use: A Longitudinal Analysis of the UK Millennium Cohort Study | Nicotine & Tobacco Research; Exposure to e-cigarette advertisements and non-advertising content in relation to use behaviors and perceptions among US and Israeli adults (; Association of e-Cigarette Advertising, Parental Influence, and Peer Influence With US Adolescent e-Cigarette Use | Public Health | JAMA Network Open; Young people’s e-cigarette risk perceptions, policy attitudes, and past-month nicotine vaping in 30 U.S. cities - ClinicalKey (; Changes in knowledge, perceptions and use of JUUL among a cohort of young adults | Tobacco Control (; E-cigarette Marketing Exposure and Subsequent Experimentation Among Youth and Young Adults | Pediatrics | American Academy of Pediatrics (

5 Adolescents’ interpretations of e-cigarette advertising and their engagement with e-cigarette information: results from five focus groups: Psychology & Health; E-cigarette Advertising Exposure, Explicit and Implicit Harm Perceptions, and E-cigarette Use Susceptibility Among Nonsmoking Young Adults | Nicotine & Tobacco Research; Exposure to e-cigarette advertisements and non-advertising content in relation to use behaviors and perceptions among US and Israeli adults (

6 Association of e-Cigarette Advertising, Parental Influence, and Peer Influence With US Adolescent e-Cigarette Use | Public Health | JAMA Network Open; Adolescents’ interpretations of e-cigarette advertising and their engagement with e-cigarette information: results from five focus groups: Psychology & Health; Exploring the Influence of E-cigarette Ad Features on Perceived Product Appeal and Use Interest Among Young Adults of Varying Tobacco-Use Behaviors | Nicotine & Tobacco Research; Noticing people, discounts and non-tobacco flavours in e-cigarette ads may increase e-cigarette product appeal among non-tobacco-using young adults | Tobacco Control (; E-cigarette marketing in the UK (



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