
Victims' code for Scotland

If you are a victim of crime you have a number of rights. Victims' Code sets out these rights, how you can exercise them and the relevant authorities to contact should you need further help and advice.

National Support Contacts, Organisations and Other Authorities

Abused Men in Scotland: Provide support to men affected by domestic abuse - 0808 800 0024

ChildLine: Private and confidential service for children and young people – 0800 1111

Children 1st / Parentline: Help protect vulnerable children and provide practical advice and support to families under stress -

08000 28 22 33

Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority: Administer compensation for innocent victims of violent crime - 0300 003 3601

Motor Insurers' Bureau: Tackle uninsured driving and people affected by this crime - 01908 830 001

National Stalking Helpline:

0808 802 0300

PETAL Support: Support families and friends of murder and suicide victims - 01698 324502

Rape Crisis Scotland: Offer support, information and advice for victims of rape and sexual abuse -

08088 01 03 02

Sacro: Community justice organisation who provide adult and youth restorative justice services - 0131 624 7270

Scottish Domestic Abuse Helpline:

0800 027 1234

Scottish Legal Aid Board: Provide funding for people who qualify to get legal advice and representation -0131 226 7061

Scottish Women's Aid: Ensure women and children who have experienced domestic abuse get the services they need -

0131 226 6606

Victim Support Scotland: Provide support and information services to victims and witnesses of crime - 0345 603 9213


Email: Zak Tuck

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