
Victims Taskforce papers: June 2023

Papers from the meeting of the group on 1 June 2023.

Victim/Survivor Advisory Board issues tracker cover paper (paper 2)

This paper introduces to the Victims Taskforce membership the ‘Issues Tracker’ which forms a core part of the feedback mechanism between the Victims Taskforce and the Victim/Survivor Advisory Board to the Victims Taskforce. 

The Victims Taskforce membership is asked to review the tracker and to provide any comments or updates relevant to their organisation.

The Victims Taskforce membership is also asked as part of the feedback loop process to consider if they are aware of ongoing work suitable for circulating to the Victim/Survivor Advisory Board to the Victims Taskforce for questions, comments and co-development.

Lastly, the Victims Taskforce membership is asked to approve revised Terms of Reference for the Victim/Survivor Advisory Board to the Victims Taskforce.


The Victim/Survivor Advisory Board to the Victims Taskforce (hereafter advisory board) was developed throughout 2022 following previous proposals to form a ‘sounding board’ mechanism for lived experience to the Victims Taskforce.

The purpose of the advisory board as stated in the terms of reference (December 2022) is: ‘to ensure that the voices of victims/survivors are at the heart of the work of the Victims Taskforce. The advisory board will provide a platform for victim/survivors’ feedback to be shared and discussed, and for these experiences to inform the Victims Taskforce’s work in delivering practical, system-wide improvements.’

It is outlined in the advisory board terms of reference that a feedback mechanism in the form of an issues/feedback tracker will be implemented between the advisory board and the Victims Taskforce which contains information on: the particular topic or theme the Victims Taskforce is currently discussing; feedback from the advisory board; a Victims Taskforce action lead(s); actions being undertaken, and; progress made in a RAG (Red Amber Green) format. This log is proposed as a standing item on both the advisory board and Victims Taskforce agendas. 

A key purpose of the issues tracker is to ensure that feedback given by individuals with lived experience remains at the forefront of the activity of the Victims Taskforce. All feedback detailed on the Issues Tracker has been raised by individuals with lived experience of crime. Scottish Government and Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service officials have provided some initial comments against the issues, identifying where relevant work is ongoing or proposed; this is by no means a comprehensive inventory and organisations are encouraged to contribute to this. Scottish Government officials have also suggested a lead organisation for some of the issues raised, though this is open for discussion at the taskforce meeting.

Details to do with the planned delivery to address each issue raised, and the updates about this delivery, are something which the Victims Taskforce membership are responsible for reviewing as a collective. 


The issues tracker in its current form dated April 2023 has been circulated to the Victims Taskforce membership. For each item on the tracker, the Victims Taskforce membership are asked to consider:

  • are there additional proposed changes that would assist in the delivery of the issues raised?
  • if you as a Victims Taskforce member are part of an organisation listed as a lead/co-lead of the delivery around an issue, what update can you provide about what has taken place, or is due to take place, to address the issue detailed?
  • are there issues connected to those raised already which can be added to this tracker format?
  • are there pieces of work taking place of which you are involved or aware that would be suitable for the advisory board to review and co-develop as part of their own meetings, in order to provide a vital lived experience perspective?

Victims Taskforce members are asked to consider the above questions in advance of the Victims Taskforce meeting and provide updates in advance of the Victims Taskforce meeting and/or within the meeting itself.

Members of the Victim Taskforce, including the Victim Support Organisations involved in the advisory board and the chairs of the Victims Taskforce, will be invited to attend the Victim/Survivor Advisory Board in order to present updates/information in person.

Terms of reference

At the taskforce meeting of 7 December, members approved the draft terms of reference for the advisory board. The convenors of the advisory board have suggested some minor amendments to these terms of reference, including changing terminology in reference to victims/survivors and taking a more flexible approach to membership. The taskforce is invited to approve these revised terms of reference, included as paper 4. 


Victims Taskforce minutes: June 2023

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