Victims Taskforce papers: June 2024

These papers relate to the Victims Taskforce meeting on 20 June 2024.

Workstream 2: trauma informed workforce (paper 7)   

Update paper - June 2024 


1. The workstream re-convened for the first time after the August 2023 workshop in February, where they agreed on a Terms of Reference for the group to outline the main areas of activity moving forward (Annex A). 

2. The group has agreed to work collaboratively to identify the common gaps in local implementation plans against the Roadmap and identify specific areas where support could be offered either by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) or by sharing learning amongst agencies. 

3. Members were asked to discuss their experience and progress so far in scoping opportunities for change and in undertaking activities to apply the framework. Themes explored in this discussion are summarised as follows: 

  • Implementation will be uneven and take a long time. 
  • Outcomes need to be sustainable against the organisation’s internal priorities. 
  • Buy-in at a senior level is critical to the success of implementation activities. 
  • Becoming trauma informed is about delivering practical and culture change. Training the workforce is only one element of that.  
  • Lived experience is vital - work is not trauma informed if not informed by lived experience.  
  • Engagement with NES, VSS, SWA and other Third Sector partners helps inform direction. 
  • Support pathways for workforce resilience and wellbeing are key. 

4. Scottish Government analytical officials are working with NES to develop a logic model to identify the key outcomes of the project. This will inform the reporting, monitoring and evaluation strategy as the group moves towards an implementation plan. 

5. The next meeting is scheduled for June and will be in a workshop format, facilitated by NES and Scottish Government Analytical Service. The aim of the workshop is to share practice and use the experience and progress of members to inform the logic model and evaluation strategy. 

6. NES has continued to work in collaboration with workstream members who are in the process of implementation planning for the Justice Framework, using the Roadmap

7. A verbal update will be provided by Dr Caroline Bruce to give further background on the delivery of training to justice agencies, including the e-modules. 

Questions for the taskforce’s consideration 

  • Is the Taskforce content to note progress on development of a plan for implementation of the knowledge and skills framework?  

  • Scottish Government previously agreed to chair this workstream in the absence of a permanent chair. Are members of the Taskforce able to suggest an organisation / individual who could Chair this workstream?  

Annex A 

Implementing the justice trauma-informed knowledge and skills framework - working group - draft terms of reference 

Strategic context    

1. The Vision for Justice in Scotland states that, person-centred justice services will ensure that a person’s needs and values are respected. There will be timely, clear communication ensuring people understand areas of complexity. Individuals and their families will be involved in decisions which affect them, in recognition that people are the experts in their own lives. This means that within the parameters of legal frameworks and justice processes, people will be treated as individuals rather than as part of a process. People will be treated with empathy and kindness, and provided with the support they need to thrive. 

2. In recognition of the traumatic circumstances which bring people to the justice sector, it is our duty to ensure that we minimise further trauma or re- traumatisation. Embedding trauma –informed practice will ensure that our justice services recognise the prevalence of trauma and adversity; realise where people are affected by trauma and responds in ways that reduce re- traumatisation.  

3. Trauma-informed Justice: A knowledge and skills framework for working with victims and witnesses was launched in May 2023. It was then agreed by the Victim’s taskforce that the working group would plan, coordinate and monitor the cross-system implementation of framework. In particular, the group will be a dynamic forum in which to discuss and learn from implementation successes and challenges in order to support the Justice Sector as a whole to embed trauma-informed practice. The group will seek to be aware of and suggest approached to managing the interdependencies of other reform activity, including agreeing prioritisation from a whole-system perspective.  

4. The group will report to the Taskforce on a six-monthly basis. It will also report into the TCP and be supported by the project and programme management (PPM) office and programme lead for this. The Victims and Survivors Advisory Board will have an ongoing interest in implementation as it progresses. 

Remit and responsibilities  

5. The Remit for the Working Group is to plan, coordinate and monitor the cross-system implementation of Knowledge and Skills framework. 

6. The Group is asked to: 

  • Provide strategic leadership, within respective organisations and across the justice sector to support the embedding of trauma-informed practice.  

  • Share learning with the group, of the challenges and successes to implementing the knowledge and skills framework to better overcome common or collective issues.  

  • Provide timely and accurate information from an organisational perspective to inform an overview of activity taking place across the sector and agree an associated workplan for the group.  

  • Collectively seek to manage interdependencies to proactively manage prioritisation and avoid duplication of effort.  

  • Support an approach to monitoring the progress to, and impact of, Trauma-informed Justice services for Victims and witnesses, including the collection and consideration of new data.   

  • Collectively seek to quality assure the approaches to embedding trauma-informed practice across the Justice sector, recommending remedial action if required.  

  • Where appropriate seek support from NES, National Trauma Training Programme.  

  • Where appropriate bring issues for the attention and resolution by the TCP programme board and/or Victims Taskforce.  

7. This group reports into the governance arrangements for the Person- Centred, Trauma Informed Justice Transformational Change Programme (TCP). As such reporting every 2 months, detailing; progress in the past month; priorities for the month ahead; issues, risks and dependencies and; RAG rating against milestones, will be prepared by the chair and secretariat 


8. The Working Group is chaired by the Scottish Government, and consists of the following members: 

  • Community Justice Scotland 

  • Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority 

  • Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service 

  • Faculty of Advocates 

  • Judicial Institute 

  • Law Society of Scotland 

  • NHS Education Scotland 

  • Parole Board for Scotland (added March 2024) 

  • Police Scotland 

  • Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration 

  • Scottish Courts and Tribunal Services 

  • Scottish Women’s Aid 

  • Victim Support Scotland 

Changes to membership 

9. Membership of the Group will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, in order to ensure appropriate representation and challenge, in line with the Group’s needs. Any changes to membership will be decided by the Chairs in collaboration with the secretariat. 


10. Victims & Witnesses Policy Unit, Scottish Government 


11. In agreeing to join the Working Group, Members are agreeing that they will exercise due care in the use of information to which they have access to in the course of performing their functions and will protect information that they receive in confidence from unauthorised disclosure. Members are agreeing not to disclose information, without written authority, received in the course of performing their function or in consequence of their membership of the group, or to use if for personal gain or advancement. 

12. When they are no longer a member of the group (for whatever the reason) they will continue to owe a duty of confidentiality to the group and to the Scottish Government in relation to information to which they had access during their involvement in the Group. 

Meeting logistics 

13. The Working Group will meet every 2 months.  

14. Meetings will be scheduled to suit members. Where that is not possible, substitute attendees can be sent on behalf of those who cannot attend. Meetings will take place virtually via MS teams unless otherwise agreed.  

15. Administrative commitments include:

  • Dates scheduled as far in advance as possible to allow for maximum potential attendance.  

  • Agenda and papers will be issued in advance of meetings.  

  • Final minutes will be issued with the agenda and papers for the subsequent meeting. 

16. The secretariat is responsible for the group’s administrative arrangements. 


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