Victims Taskforce papers: June 2024
These papers relate to the Victims Taskforce meeting on 20 June 2024.
Workstream 3 update: improving communications for victims (paper 8)
1. At the June 2023 meeting of the Taskforce, it was agreed that a new workstream to improve communications to victims through implementation of the “People at Heart” approach would be established.
2. The workstream will report to the Taskforce to ensure its work remains aligned with other Taskforce activities, including those raised by the Victim/Survivor Advisory Board.
3. Additionally, it was agreed that the work would be included within the scope of the Scottish Government’s Vision for Justice delivery plan, as part of Transformational Change Programme 1 (‘TCP1’) [Vision for Justice | Delivery Plan - Vision for Justice in Scotland: three year delivery plan - ( – Section 1.8.1].
4. The first phase of the work – developing an implementation plan – will be informed by the Working Group, chaired by COPFS, with SG acting as secretariat. The Working Group met for the first time on 26 February 2024 and the members have agreed to a Terms of Reference (Annex A).
5. It was also agreed that the group would include the relevant recommendations made in the independent review of the Victim Notification Scheme (VNS) within its remit.
6. Members gave summary updates on their current activities and plans to embed the approach. There were a number of common themes across the organisations, summarised below:
External activities:
Literature reviews
Consultations with service users and/or third sector partners to co-design new communications
Re-evaluation of existing support pathways and identifying opportunities for change
Digital improvement and streamlining user experience
Creating feedback loops to capture user experience and respond to feedback
Internal activities:
Improving internal guidance and literature
Using continuous improvement and iterative project management techniques
Utilising training tools and bespoke support from The First Word
Aligning activities with existing improvement programmes (particularly in the context of the Trauma Informed Knowledge & Skills Framework)
7. It was agreed that the secretariat would undertake a high-level mapping activity to show where current activity is concentrated, highlight opportunities for mutual learning, and identify gaps (Annex B).
8. To support the members, the First Word have developed an e-module on the aims of the People at Heart approach and have carried out direct engagement to address specific business needs.
9. An invitation has been extended to colleagues in the Scottish Prison Service to join the group’s membership.
10. The group met for a second time at the beginning of June. In advance of that, the chair of the group met the other workstream chairs to discuss overall progress, identify any areas of overlap and agree on opportunities for further collaboration.
Questions for the taskforce’s consideration
Is the VTF content with the scope of the group’s remit and responsibilities as set out in the ToR?
Are there organisations who are not represented on the Taskforce that VTF would like the secretariat to approach?
Improving communications for victims and witnesses – working group: terms of reference (Annex A)
Strategic context
The Vision for Justice in Scotland states that, person-centred justice services will ensure that a person’s needs and values are respected. There will be timely, clear communication ensuring people understand areas of complexity. Individuals and their families will be involved in decisions which affect them, in recognition that people are the experts in their own lives. This means that within the parameters of legal frameworks and justice processes, people will be treated as individuals rather than as part of a process. People will be treated with empathy and kindness, and provided with the support they need to thrive.
We particularly recognise the importance of providing victims with timely and accurate information, and to ensure effective methods of communication are used for delivering information, as well as for listening to and understanding victims’ needs.
Providing timely and accurate information in a trauma-informed way can assist victims cope with the impact of the crime. This benefits the wider interests of justice by supporting people to give their best evidence. In contrast, a lack of information can intensify the stress and anxiety of being involved in a case, which can lead to victims disengaging and withdrawing their cooperation from the criminal process.
The People at Heart approach was developed by the First Word in partnership with criminal justice agencies, third sector partners and people with lived experience. The approach aims to put people at the heart of communications by being empathetic and empowering, and ensuring that communications are easy to access and understand. Alongside rewriting key justice communications, the First Word has produced a People at Heart style guide and training materials to support the transformation of written communications with victims and witnesses across the criminal justice system.
The Victims Taskforce have agreed to establish this group to lead and drive implementation of the People at Heart approach and improve communications with victims and witnesses across the criminal justice system. The group will report to the Taskforce on a six-monthly basis. It will also report into the TCP and be supported by the project and programme management (PPM) office and programme lead for this. The Victims and Survivors Advisory Board will have an ongoing interest in implementation as it progresses.
Remit and responsibilities
The Remit for the Working Group is to support and monitor roll out of the Improving Communications for Victims workstream outputs across the criminal justice sector. The Group is asked:
To lead implementation of the People at Heart approach across the justice system, connecting into Taskforce and the TCP PPM structures.
To consider and lead wider actions to improve communications across the justice system to:
Ensure compassionate, timely and accessible communication across the justice system for Victims and Witnesses.
Ensure consistency across all communications (digital and written) across the justice system
Ensure digital services will give justice users agency in how they are communicated with and supported through their justice experience. They will be able to access and share information according to their needs, when they need it, and in a way that is convenient to them.
To consider the outcomes of the independent review on the Victim Notification Scheme (VNS) and explore opportunities for potential longer-term involvement in delivering of the review’s recommendations.
This group reports into the governance arrangements for the Person-Centred, Trauma Informed Justice Transformational Change Programme (TCP). As such reporting every 2 months, detailing; progress in the past month; priorities for the month ahead; issues, risks and dependencies and; RAG rating against milestones, will be prepared by the chair and secretariat.
The Communications Working Group is chaired by COPFS and consists of the following members:
Police Scotland
Scottish Government
Scottish Prison Service
Victim Support Organisations and victim representatives
Changes to membership
Membership of the Group will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, to ensure appropriate representation and challenge, in line with the Group’s needs. Any changes to membership will be decided by the Chair in collaboration with the secretariat.
Victims & Witnesses Unit, Scottish Government
In agreeing to join the Working Group, Members are agreeing that they will exercise due care in the use of information to which they have access to while performing their functions and will protect information that they receive in confidence from unauthorised disclosure. Members are agreeing not to disclose information, without written authority, received while performing their function or in consequence of their membership of the group, or to use if for personal gain or advancement.
When they are no longer a member of the group (for whatever the reason) they will continue to owe a duty of confidentiality to the group and to the Scottish Government in relation to information to which they had access during their involvement in the Group.
Meeting logistics
The Working Group will meet regularly, every 3-4 months.
Meetings will be scheduled to suit members. Where that is not possible, substitute attendees can be sent on behalf of those who cannot attend. Meetings will take place virtually via MS teams unless otherwise agreed.
Administrative commitments include:
Dates scheduled as far in advance as possible to allow for maximum potential attendance.
Agenda and papers will be issued in advance of meetings.
Final minutes will be issued with the agenda and papers for the subsequent meeting
Review literature handouts
Stage - creating outputs:
Other language translations
Redrafted letter templates, literature, leaflets etc.
Stage - testing and implementation:
New V&W facing literature in use
Methods of communication
Stage - development:
Exploring new systems such as using automated SMS alerts
Stage - testing and implementation:
Widened offering of communication methods to include e-mail and SMS
Digital interfaces
Stage - scoping:
Considering different ways to make contact with V&W using technology
Stage - development:
Exploring digital solutions to feedback loops
Review of website underway
Stage - creating outputs:
New website in development
User experience testing underway
Stage - testing and implementation:
Improvements made to online application systems
Operational delivery and training
Stage - scoping:
Reviewing existing staff training provision and uptakez
Stage - creating outputs:
Working with NES to align training with the Trauma Informed Justice Framework
Training rollouts
Stage - testing and implementation:
Upskilling regional staff and evaluating for wider rollout
Style guide published and in use
Referral pathways
Stage - scoping:
Review of existing pathways underway
Stage - development:
Improving website referral pathways/signposting
Inter-agency collaboration
Stage - scoping:
Work ongoing at various different stages with VSS and other victim support/third sector organisations, with representation on lived experience and advisory groups.
Stage - development:
Working with NES on Trauma Informed training and Framework standards
Working with wider public sector bodies to review data-sharing agreements.
Stage - creating outputs:
Collaboration on justice sector modernisation projects
Stage - testing and implementation:
Using Language Guide published by VSS
Feedback loops
Stage - scoping:
Reviewing internal evidence base of V&W outcomes
Stage - development:
Whole system review on V&W experiences
Exploring digital solutions
Stage - creating outputs:
Work ongoing within Victim Centred Approach workstream
Research projects underway on data quality & experience of V&Ws
Stage - testing and implementation:
Service user post-evaluation survey in place
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