Violence prevention framework for Scotland: annual progress report 2023 to 2024

The Violence Prevention Framework (2023) sets out a comprehensive range of activity to prevent violence from happening in the first place and to reduce the impact when it does. This report highlights the progress that has been made over 2023 to 2024 with partners on our shared programme.

Conclusions and reflections

The activity recorded above is an update of the progress being made so far to implement the Violence Prevention Framework. It summarises the progress being achieved against the actions during the first year of implementation of this three-year programme. It also shows how the £4 million of funding provided so far by the Scottish Government is being deployed to support a wide range of partner activity to deliver some critical – and often grassroots – work to prevent violence.

While good progress is being made in a number of important areas, there is still much more to be done to fully deliver on the actions and ambitions set out in the Violence Prevention Framework.

In the coming months, the Scottish Government and its partners will continue to focus on prevention and early intervention and will provide an update of that activity in our next, and second, annual progress report in 2025. We will continue to direct effort and spending to achieve these Framework aims so that more communities across Scotland are safe and that more people live free from violence and the threat of violence.



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