
Early intervention in psychosis: action plan

The action plan includes the process to achieve our vision that people presenting for the first time with psychosis will have timely access to effective care and treatment, with early intervention and a focus on recovery.

Our Vision to Improve Early Intervention in Psychosis in Scotland

Our central vision is that people presenting for the first time with psychosis anywhere in Scotland will have timely access to effective care and treatment, with early intervention and a focus on recovery.

We will also deliver Action 26 of the Mental Health Strategy 2017 - 2027: “Ensure the propagation of best practice for early interventions for first episode psychosis, according to clinical guidelines”

The Scottish Government commissioned Healthcare Improvement Scotland in 2019 to develop a deeper understanding of the Scottish context related to Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) (PDF format). Health Improvement Scotland have published a report with research into EIP services which makes recommendations to help us improve early intervention services. This report was been co-produced with people with lived experience of psychosis, their families and carers.



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